ROTY 2024 Awards Show

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Remixer of the Year Awards 2012

The Remixer of the Year Awards 2012 awards show was aired by the SLAY Radio staff on SLAY Radio and SceneSat Radio, February 23rd 2013.

Mordi, was the big winner of 2012, who won the main price Remixer Of The Year for the 3rd time, and also scoring the top positions for Best c64 with "Tristesse" and Best Amiga Remix "The Great Bath of the Seven Seas".

The first award of the night went to Xerxes as best newcomer for his remix of RSI Megademo - Ba1..

Daxx and Allister Brimble unbelievably shared the crown for Best Veteran with 100 points each, with Peter W following at #2 VERY closely with a score of 99 points. This is double tragic since he missed the top position for best c64 remix by one point, too.

Mattias Bergsten (fnordpojk) was awarded with the Lifetime Achievement Award for his numerous contributions to the scene and his vital tech knowledge and support to the scene radio stations.


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Remixer Of The Year (c64 or Amiga)

Who made the best remixes in 2012? Who was most active and supportive?

Rank Name Score
1. Mordi 223
2. Allister Brimble 120
3. daXX 71
4. Peter W 69
5. NecroPolo 61
6. K8-bit 59
7. Mitch van Hayden 43
8. Metal 36
9. Darkman007 35
10. Andreas Wallström and NecroPolo 29
Chabee 29
11. Gibs 27
12. Martin Dodd 25
Tron 25
13. Mano 23
Xerxes 23
14. CZ Tunes 21
15. DJ Skitz & Mordi 19
Dr Future 19
16. Infamous 17
Spiral 17
17. Jordan Gold 16
Monty 16
SIDrip Alliance 16
Vred 16
18. Klemen Verdnik 15
19. AcidBlock 14
20. Amok 12
Razmo 12
Teo 12
21. Aki Järvinen 11
dr.blitzen 11
Steve Foster 11
Vincenzo 11
22. A.Zhukoff 9
Anders Hesselbom 9
23. Adam Morton 8
Cirdan 8
Dj Space 8
LPChip 8
Szudi 8
24. AceMan 6
Doron Deutsch 6
ScareCrow 6
25. Mongo Erectus 5
26. Cactus 3
Foxfield Project 3
frater_sx 3
Gammagumma 3
Maverick 3
Maxwel 3
Omnidextrous 3
Peter Clarke 3
PowerTrace 3
Rodolphe Bost 3
T-101 3
The SIE 3
vurtX 3

Lifetime Achievement

For special achievements around the remixing scene during the years.

Rank Name Score
1. Mattias Bergsten (fnordpojk) -

Best Newcomer (c64 or Amiga)

Who made the greatest debut in 2012?

Rank Name Score
1. Xerxes 93
2. Shokey 84
3. Andreas Wallström and NecroPolo 58
4. Klemen Verdnik 56
5. FZN 40
6. A.Zhukoff 29
7. Cactus 25
8. Andrea Milana 19
9. Steve Foster 16
10. Nicklas Schmidt 13
11. Anders Hesselbom 11
Papertiger 11
12. Afterlife : Forgotten 8
Rodolphe Bost 8
13. Alchemy 7
frater_sx 7
14. Foxfield Project 6
Isacco Garcia Peveri 6
15. Alias Medron 5
Maxwel 5
T-101 5
16. Terrence Montgomery 4
17. Maverick 3

Best Veteran (c64 or Amiga)

Who do you think deserves this award in 2012 for providing great remixes over a period of 5 years or longer?

Rank Name Score
1. Allister Brimble 100
daXX 100
2. Peter W 99
3. CZ Tunes 72
4. Gibs 62
5. Mitch van Hayden 59
6. Tron 42
7. Martin Dodd 31
8. PowerTrace 30
9. Chabee 26
10. Metal 24
11. Dr Future 22
Razmo 22
12. Putzi 21
13. Monty 17
14. Vincenzo 13
15. Infamous 8
16. Gammagumma 6
LPChip 6
Teo 6
17. Buzzer 3
Dees 3
Doron Deutsch 3

Best c64 Remix

What was the c64 remix that impressed you most in 2012?

Rank Title Score
1. Tristesse by Mordi 75
2. Cooperation Demo (Peter W RMX) by Peter W 74
3. DMC demo IV 2 (Celtic Mission mix) by Andreas Wallström and NecroPolo 59
4. Bionic Commando Tune 6 by Allister Brimble 53
5. Soulless by K8-bit 49
6. Trick Bag by DJ Skitz & Mordi 48
7. JT In Space (Twolegs Remix) by Metal 41
8. Electric Jesus by NecroPolo 39
9. Beyond (Cover) by Darkman007 38
10. Castle Master (Tribute) by Klemen Verdnik 35
11. Atmosphere (I want to be a pirate Remix) by Mano 29
12. Commando daXX DubStep RMX by daXX 27
13. Rambo Reloaded by Allister Brimble 26
14. Space Harrier - Subtune IV (Dub Bach Trance Mix) by Mitch van Hayden 25
15. Alibi (Sooner or Later) by Mordi 22
16. Krakout by SIDrip Alliance 20
17. Parallax by Infamous 19
18. Bounces (Glam Rock Hammond Galore Demo Tape) by Tron 17
Tusker (The Adventurer wore Khaki shorts mix) by K8-bit 17
19. Spy vs Spy (Compact Trance Mix) by Mitch van Hayden 16
Test Drive (I REALLY mean teh floppy remix) by NecroPolo 16
20. Flimbo's Concerto (Opus 12 in C major) by Peter Clarke 14
Jeroen (Free to Love) by Mordi 14
21. Drudgery (Bad Bassist Demo) by Chabee 13
Ice Age (Take 2) by Amok 13
22. Pro Ski Simulator ( Winter breaks Remix ) by AcidBlock 12
Solitax (end sequence) by Shokey 12
Tears of my Heart (Beyond) by Mordi 12
23. Stormlord (Cinematic RMX) by Nicklas Schmidt 11
24. Comic Bakery (Raggamuffin) by Cactus 10
War Cars Construction Kit (Bootleg DJ Blitz Mix) by dr.blitzen 10
25. Boulder Dash Remix by Papertiger 9
Falcon Patrol SID overdrive mix by LPChip 9
26. Hawkeye by AceMan 8
Thundercats (Destroyer Of Worlds Mix) by Defiance 8
ThunderCats by A.Zhukoff 8
27. Future Knight by PPOT 6
Hollywood Poker (Cover) by Darkman007 6
Wings of Fury (Orchestral Remix) by Mano 6
28. Commando by PPOT 5
Deep by Afterlife : Forgotten 5
Monty On The Run (Maxwel On The Run Mix) by Maxwel 5
Trolls (D'n'B version) by A.Zhukoff 5
Zoids (Wall of Sound Remix) by Anders Hesselbom 5
29. Monty on the Run by PPOT 4
Space Gun (reinterpreted) by Hank (Lukasz Drzewiecki) 4
Sweet and Sour ( Funky much house mix ) by AcidBlock 4
30. Acrise by Cirdan 3
Athena (drifting mix) by Dj Space 3
Blowing by Darkman007 3
Commando High by Steve Foster 3
Cosmic Cruiser - Galacto Honoris (Pravda mix) by Gammagumma 3
Daley Thompson's Decathlon (London Mix) by Martin Dodd 3
Dwarf Fly (Flying Barf remix) by Vincenzo 3
Ghost'n Goblins (Cadaver March Remix) by Razmo 3
Great Giana Sisters (piano interlude) by Vred 3
Maniac Mansion (Clubmix) by Putzi 3
Monty on the Run - High by Steve Foster 3
Monty on the Run (Monty on Acid mix) by Teo 3
Mutants (Sub 2 Mutation) by vurtX 3
Mutants by Razmo 3
Ocean Loader 1 (Radio Edit Blitz Mix) by dr.blitzen 3
Oh No Game Over by Mongo Erectus 3
Plastic Pop by 7EVEN SINS 3
Powerhouse (Omnidextrous Remake) by Omnidextrous 3
Renegade (Long time space rebel) by Doron Deutsch 3
Rock 'n Roll (Sleeping Titanic) by The SIE 3
Roland's Ratrace (track 2) by Anders Hesselbom 3
Storm (2080ies DigitalRokkaz Mix) by Mitch van Hayden 3
Strike force ( Club assault remix ) by AcidBlock 3
Turbo Outrun on a piano by Vred 3
Wizball 2012 roudoudouzzz mix by Rodolphe Bost 3

Best Amiga Remix

What Amiga remix did you like best in 2012?

Rank Title Score
1. The Great Bath (of the Seven Seas) by Mordi 72
2. Cannon Fodder - Of Blood And Honor by gibs 63
3. Alien Breed 2012 by Allister Brimble 61
4. Cream of the earth (HardCopy) by PowerTrace 51
5. Xenon 2 (daXX step 2 dub Remix) by daXX 32
6. RSI Megademo - Ba1 (Xerxes Remix) by Xerxes 31
7. Amberstar (Title Remix) by CZ Tunes 17
8. Amberstar #11 - Ode to Schnism by Mitch van Hayden 14
Wings Of Death (Level 2) - More Gravity - by Dr Future 14
9. Lotus 3 Metalmachine daXX RMX by daXX 13
10. Chuck Rock 2012 (New Guitars RMX) by daXX 11
Pinball Illusions (Remix2012) by damongp 11
Rastaman with a banjoman by Buzzer 11
11. Goldrunner - daXX Orchestra Surprise RMX by daXX 9
12. R-Type Title by Aki Järvinen 8
Spiral Hands On III Karsten Obarski - Crystal Hammer (WIMCE Remix) by Spiral 8
13. Odyssus Returns (Szudi^Implexy RMx) by Szudi 6
Rastaman (T-101 Diesel Remix) by T-101 6
14. Desert Dream Part One (Radio-Overkill-Mix) by Amok 5
Spiral Hands On III Jochen Hippel - Thalion Intro Tune by Spiral 5
15. Chromag - Switchback (Virgill Hively rmx) by Virgill 4
Fury of the Furries - Mystic Remix by Andrea Milana 4
Rollerball - Remix by Sharrukin 4
Steeve.b (PETER W RMX) by Peter W 4
Wrath Of The Demon Title Remix by CZ Tunes 4
16. Turrican II Freedom (Christmas Edit) by CZ Tunes 3
Turrican II Intro 2nd Try(Badliz Remix) by Badliz 3
Remixer Of The Year 2012 Trophy

Remixer Of The Year Trophy

Disclaimer: The results are based on votes made by the community. Errors and omissions excepted.

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25/02/2013 11:51
Congrats, Mordi, fnord, xerxes, daXX and Allister Brimble, and to everyone else who made it to the lists!!

And thank you SLAY Radio staff for hosting the show! 😊

25/02/2013 13:48
Thanks for all the votes! 😊

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