ROTY 2024 Awards Show

Hosted by SLAY Radio on Feb 22, 2025 @ 18:00 (CET)

ROTY2024 Cup Only ROTY 2024 Awards Show

Remixer Of The Year Awards 2005

Here are the winners of this year's awards, congratulations to everyone! And remember… as always there are no losers on this page! 😊

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Remixer Of The Year (c64 or Amiga)

Who made the best remixes in 2005? Who was most active and supportive?

Rank Name Score
1. Makke 82
2. Romeo Knight 51
3. Sonic Wanderer 39
4. Chronberg 35
DHS 35
5. Visa Röster 25
6. Glyn R Brown 13
7. Marcel Donné 12
8. Tron 11
9. Jurek Raben 9
10. Larsec 8
X-formZ 8
11. Awesome-A 5
Dafunk 5
deVilhoOD 5
DJ Mitch 5
Hazel 5
12. analoq 4
Ctrl-Z 4
Markus Schneider 4
13. Bitcrusher 3
Juha Kaunisto 3
Lagerfeldt 3
Maindrian 3
o2 3

Best Newcomer (c64 or Amiga)

Who made the greatest debut in 2005?

Rank Name Score
1. Visa Röster 43
2. Axes Denied 39
3. Tron 33
4. Miguel F Ettema 29
5. load_error 18
6. DJ Mitch 16
7. Matti Paalanen 14
Voidshaper 14
8. Nada 13
9. Sid Peasley 11
10. Mythril Nazgul 10
11. Bitcrusher 8
12. Westerling 7
13. AmiGamer 5
analoq 5
Binster 5
14. Commodore Project 4
sebuko 4
15. Bladiator 3
Eco 3
KryogeniK 3
Vincenzo 3

Best Veteran (c64 or Amiga)

Who do you think deserves this award in 2005 for providing great remixes over a period of 5 years or longer?

Rank Name Score
1. Makke 107
2. DHS 77
3. Sonic Wanderer 62
4. Marcel Donné 54
5. o2 27
6. CZ Tunes 20
7. Glyn R Brown 8
Trace 8
8. FeekZoid 6
9. Markus Schneider 4
Putzi 4
10. Zyron 3

Best c64 Remix

What was the c64 remix that impressed you most in 2005?

Rank Title Score
1. Artura(Dublin Delight Mix) feat. Andreas Wallström by Makke 30
Speedball (feat. Patman) by Romeo Knight 30
2. Rambo Loader (Rambo's Blue Monday Mix) by Tron 29
3. The Recovery by Glyn R Brown 26
4. Heartland (Tranciano remix) by Chronberg 15
5. Selfmade .EXE (z3ta club rmx) by Dafunk 14
6. Something Stranger Remake by Marcel Donné 11
7. Glider Rider by Makke 10
8. Last Ninja End Credits by Markus Schneider 9
Madballs (You Told Me They Were Vitamins Mix) by Makke 9
Rambo First Blood Part 2 by Visa Röster 9
9. Buzzer (Push Me to the Max) by DHS 8
10. Kikstart II (Kik-It Mix) by Sonic Wanderer 6
11. Comic Bakery (Lunar Bakery - Feat. Nina Luna) by Larsec 5
Crappy (I'd Like to Be Your Enemy) by The C64Mafia 5
Druid II (Epic Darkness) by Dimmignatt 5
Future Shock by Romeo Knight 5
Green Beret (We Shall Never Surrender) by Hazel 5
Parallax (Wanderized) by Sonic Wanderer 5
PVCF - My Number is C64 5
Robotdreams (feat. Paranoid Android) by Lagerfeldt 5
Spellbound (Remiximus) by deVilhoOD 5
Spy vs Spy (Live at St. Luke's) by Visa Röster 5
Times of Lore by Glyn R. Brown 5
12. Blood Valley (It's the Journey) by X-formZ 4
Calm by Visa Röster 4
Comic Bakery by Visa Röster 4
Flimbo's Quest (For The Ultimate Beat) by Sonic Wanderer 4
Groovicide by analoq 4
Lord of the Rings by Markus Schneider 4
Suicide for 2 Pianos by Bladiator 4
Toennel Commando Remix (Final Edit) by Jurek Raben 4
13. 1942 (Orchestral) by Miguel F Ettema 3
Elektro Lok (Allgemeine Frequenz) by Das Karl Werk Projekt 3
Foreign Girl (Platones McCheese Areolas) by DjUnz! 3
Galactyforce (Makepeace ext. mix) by Putzi 3
Maniac Mansion (Meteor Edit) by Bitcrusher 3
Monty on the Run (High Scores) by Matti Paalanen 3
Thrust (feat. Hanna Kappelin) by Visa Röster 3
Thundercats by Sonic Wanderer 3
Xenophobe by Infamous 3

Best Amiga Remix

What Amiga remix did you like best in 2005?

Rank Title Score
1. The Great Bath - Ambient Remake by Paul Blackford 10
Turrican II - The Great Bath by AmiGamer 10
2. Turrican 2 - Level 1+6 Remix by Awesome-A 9
3. Amberstar - Gwen's Lament - Classical by Lyramion 5
Drammen Megaparty Invitation - Blue Stars - Hideaway Studio Remix by D.A.Wilson 5
4. James Pond 2 (RoboCod-Title) by pinozulpo 4
The Oath - Level 6 Remix by Awesome-A 4
Turrican 1 - Level 2 - Tristar 2005 Remix by daXX 4
Wolf Child Level 1 - Paul Blackford Remix by Paul Blackford 4
5. Stardust Intro (8LSB Remake) by PsychNerD 3
The Settlers (tranced up a bit) by kjetiln 3
Turrican 2 - The Wall by Zzr 3
X-Out Loader (Remix) by Benas@ 3

Most Innovative Remix (c64 or Amiga)

What remix really made a difference in 2005? Things you maybe never heard before? Creative and different takes on originals?

Rank Title Score
1. Artura(Dublin Delight Mix) feat. Andreas Wallström by Makke 59
2. Speedball (feat. Patman) by Romeo Knight 19
Thrust (feat. Hanna Kappelin) by Visa Röster 19
3. Rambo Loader (Rambo's Blue Monday Mix) by Tron 16
4. Blood Valley (It's the Journey) by X-formZ 14
5. Elektro Lok (Allgemeine Frequenz) by Das Karl Werk Projekt 9
Trivia Ultimate Challenge - Kitsch mix by Chronberg 9
6. The Recovery by Glyn R Brown 8
7. Madballs (You Told Me They Were Vitamins Mix) by Makke 7
8. DjUnz! - Quote 64 5
Green Beret (We Shall Never Surrender) by Hazel 5
Heartland (Tranciano remix) by Chronberg 5
Impossible Mission (Impossible Vocal Experiment) by load_error 5
Monty of the run by o2 5
Rupert and the ice castle (Latin Wonderland mix) by Chronberg 5
Spellbound (Remiximus) by deVilhoOD 5
Spy vs Spy (Live at St. Luke's) by Visa Röster 5
The Human Race (Melodie Eine) by Das Karl Werk Projekt 5
Turrican 2 - Level 1+6 Remix by Awesome-A 5
9. Bazooka Bill (Subtune 1) by Westerling 4
Bruce Lee (acoustic Jam) by Doron Deutsch 4
Robotdreams (feat. Paranoid Android) by Lagerfeldt 4
10. Blowing or Bowling by Vincenzo 3
Bubble Bobble by Axes Denied 3
Crappy (I'd Like to Be Your Enemy) by The C64Mafia 3
Enigma Force by Sid Peasley 3
Foreign Girl (Platones McCheese Areolas) by DjUnz! 3
Formular 1 Simulator by OJ Oscillation 3
Paperboy (Smoother Delivery Edit) by Mythril Nazgul 3
Something Stranger Remake by Marcel Donné 3
Stifflip & Company by beyond 3
Think Twice III (Now You're Not Here) by Perhaps-a-Doobie 3

Lifetime Achievement

For special achievements around the remixing scene during the years.

Rank Name Score
1. Chris Abbott 53
2. Kenneth Mutka (Slaygon) 36
3. Jan Lund Thomsen (Kwed) 33
4. Markus Klein (LMan) 27
5. Alistair Bowness (Boz) 16
Marcus Nilsson (Makke) 16
6. Ben Daglish 11
7. Markus Schneider 10
Paul Hadrill (DJ Skitz) 10
8. Marcel Donné 8
Mattias Johansson (Sonic Wanderer) 8
Reyn Ouwehand 8
9. Neil Carr (Tas) 7
10. Pawel Osmolski (deVilhoOD) 5
11. Carlo Demichelis (DHS) 4
Glyn R Brown 4
Mark Knight (madfiddler) 4
12. Pex Tufvesson (Mahoney) 3
Rob Hubbard 3

Best Radio Personality

Who made the best impression on a scene radio show in 2005?

Rank Name Score
1. Boz 110
2. DJ Skitz 50
3. Makke 47
4. Kwed 29
5. Ziphoid 13
6. Alic3 12
7. Morpheus 9
Slaygon 9
8. Kenz 4

Swedish Immigrant of the Year

Who made the most impressive immigration to Sweden in 2005?

Rank Title Score
1. Boz 64738
Remixer Of The Year - ROTY Cup 2005

To all winners: Feel free to display the ROTY cup on your homepages (along with your Rank and Category), to boast about your triumph! 😃 Disclaimer: Some of the votes have been disqualified for being invalid (i.E. incomplete data, releases from a different year, votes for newcomers who were not newcomers etc…). The results do not claim to be error-free.