deVilhoOD - Spellbound (Remiximus)

1131. in all-time charts
My second C64 Mix.
A great deal of time was spent trying to capture as much of the original atmosphere as possible.
It took around two weeks on and off to finish work on this mix, and it became a bit of a head-twister at times. I tried my best to create something as authentic as possible.
Absolutely NO sid2midi was used. I did it completely by ear as a contemporary re-creation from how I heard the lead melody and backing.
The production was attentively decided. I gave it a listen on my own computer system, then a hi-fi and a typical stereo setup to make sure everything was clear and listenable.
I tried to give each section a unique feel but without drawing the listener away, so that it flows throughout. I believe the leading percussion is what really helps the song in that respect.
Unlike my previous Hubbard C64 remix, this one doesn't end with the evil fade-out.
I would appreciate it if people could listen to the entire track first before submitting feedback!
Lots of C64 love to everyone,
- The entire tune was recorded and produced using Cubase SX 3
- Guitars were recorded with my Fender Venus Vista Series electric via V-Amp Pro
- Drums were played via MIDI using a custom drum preset on Native Instruments Battery 2
- Edirol HQ Orchestral was used for all orchestral sounds and some percussion
Arrangers Notes: 28/07/2005 @ 12:14 AM
The RKO community definitely has unparallelled subjectiveness concerning what sounds are considered fitting or convincing. hehe. I really do appreciate all the feedback given, thanks for taking the time to listen to my mix guys

Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
I love it! 😃 😃 Keep up the good work!
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating
The introduction is… perfect! A great way to start this piece, and moving it from a typical 4/4 drum beat into the march feel was very well done! The only thing about the intro I would have liked a little more was a slighty long cymbal draw, it feels to… rushed. The addition of the thunder was… well done.
Sometimes there is a instrument or two which seem to have just popped out of nowhere feeling like it is a mistake. A perfect example if what sounds like a flute off the left channel, which happens to pop up. 29seconds,. 40seconds, and 1.39secds - and a few times through out the piece.
The only other thing I would have probably added to the introduction to just add something more to the overall impressive feel would have been a little more to the strings - just playing the chords left it slighty empty where it is begging for some high pitch strings to bring you into the piece. A few 7ths and sust2nds would have helped in my opinion.
Overall this piece shows a lot of really great work, and bar the few areas where our technical differences appear, this is a piece of work that really honors and improves upon the original.