ROTY 2024 Awards Show

Hosted by SLAY Radio on Feb 22, 2025 @ 18:00 (CET)

ROTY2024 Cup Only ROTY 2024 Awards Show

Remixer of The Year 2017

The year of MRT

This year's show was hosted by Ziphoid and Fnordpojk from SceneSat Radio, broadcast at SceneSat and SLAY Radio on Wednesday, 21st February. The award announcements were accompanied by a rundown of last year's popular releases of each month.


  • The first award to be announced was Best Newcomer, which was won by SIDNIFY, followed up by SHEN LON, Xandra and Jeroen Tel sharing the 2nd place.
  • Best Veteran was won by MRT, followed up by Johan Andersson.
  • The Lifetime Achievement Award was honored to legendary Dr. Rob Hubbard, who thanked the community in a recorded message to the listeners. The topping was a brand new SID tune by Rob, which he did for the Project: Hubbard kickstarter
  • A special award was presented to Chris Abbott: Continuous and Extraordinary Awesomeness Over the Top Award. He basically started the remixing scene, and kept on investing so much into it, currently working on Project: Hubbard and other projects.
  • ROTY regular daXX won Best Amiga Remix with Pinball Dreams (Beatbox Ingame Remix)
  • Best c64 remix joint first place was won by Jeroen Tel with the track Auf Wiedersehen Monty & Commando and SIDNIFY with Supremacy (Overprime mix). Incidentally Supremacy was originally also composed by Jeroen.
  • The big award, Remixer of the Year was awarded to MRT, who was also Best Veteran and represented several tracks in the top 5 Best c64 Remix category. By this he pulls of a hat-trick, being ROTY three times in a row since 2015!

MASSIVE CONGRATS to everyone who made it on the lists, everyone's a winner here!

Remixer Of The Year (c64 or Amiga)

Who made the best remixes in 2017? Who was most active and supportive?

Rank Name Score
1. MRT 29
2. Johan Andersson 17
3. daXX 14
4. XxDUSTYxX 11
5. Jeroen Tel 8
7. DHS 4
Martin Dodd 4
Rapture 4
8. Chabee 3
LMan 3
Mordi 3
Wobbler 3
9. CZ Tunes 2
dLx 2
Dr Future 2
fegolhuzz 2
LaLa 2
LPChip 2
Mano 2
Vincenzo 2
10. Drunktards 1
Isaac Béjar 1
OJ Oscillation 1
Phrygian 1
Sanjo Ride 1
Xandra 1

Lifetime Achievement

For special achievements around the remixing scene during the years.

Rank Name Score
1. Chris Abbott -
Rob Hubbard -

Best Newcomer (c64 or Amiga)

Who made the greatest debut in 2017?

Rank Name Score
2. Jeroen Tel 13
Xandra 13
3. dLx 10
4. Colmarr 5
5. lclhstr 4
6. Keys To Imagination 3
Madija 3
8. Andreaux 1
Captain MoreGain 1
Isaac Béjar 1
Mac_Svenni 1
singleton 1

Best Veteran (c64 or Amiga)

Who do you think deserves this award in 2017 for providing great remixes over a period of 5 years or longer?

Rank Name Score
1. MRT 26
2. Johan Andersson 19
3. daXX 14
4. DHS 8
Dr Future 8
5. LMan 7
Mordi 7
6. Mano 5
Martin Dodd 5
7. CZ Tunes 4
LPChip 4
Rapture 4
Wobbler 4
8. Chabee 3
Metal 3
9. Phrygian 2
Vincenzo 2
10. Anders Hesselbom 1
Darkman007 1
David Filskov 1
Murdock 1
Nils Schneider 1
Psyria 1
Sanjo Ride 1
Vred 1
Yoshi 1

Best c64 Remix

What was the c64 remix that impressed you most in 2017?

Rank Title Score
1. Auf Wiedersehen Monty & Commando by Jeroen Tel 12
Supremacy (Overprime mix) by SIDNIFY 12
2. Nine Lives by MRT 11
3. Plastic Pop by MRT 10
Thrust by MRT 10
4. Metal Tusker (Subtune 03) by XxDUSTYxX 9
5. The Chase (Sword of Honour) by DHS 8
6. Artillery (demo music) by MRT 7
7. Cybernoid (the blues jam) by Johan Andersson 6
Outrun - Magical Sound Shower RE-Remix by daXX 6
8. Albedo by MRT 5
Human Race by Mano 5
R-TYPE Title by daXX 5
Vortex by LMan 5
9. Advanced (Metal Remix) by Metal 4
Ghosts and Goblins (surf mix) by Johan Andersson 4
Overlame by MRT 4
Powerhouse by Mordi 4
Sanxion (Get To Tha Choppa Remix) by Wobbler 4
Soft and Wet by Chabee 4
Stormbringer (Quasi-Classical Remix) by Martin Dodd 4
The Human Race by Mordi 4
10. Chronos (ZX) - Title - A Tapestry of Time by Darkman007 3
Crazy Comets (cops and robbers mix) by Johan Andersson 3
Cybernoid 2 Theme (Spacesynth remix) by fegolhuzz 3
Future Knight by Jarle H. Olsen 3
Green Beret vs Comic Bakery (rock salsa mix) by Johan Andersson 3
Hard Glide by BeeZerk 3
Human Race Vision by SHEN LON 3
Last Ninja 2 - Basement Loader (SID Overdrive mix) by LPChip 3
Thrust by Johan Andersson 3
11. Afterburner by Johan Andersson 2
Bombo (industrial mix) by Sanjo Ride 2
Commando (Bitrunner Blues Remix) by Martin Dodd 2
Hawkeye (Trance Remix 2017) by Sascha Michael Theel 2
Hypa-Ball (Ausfahrt ist fuer alle da) by Vincenzo 2
Last Mission by MRT 2
Mysteries by Xandra 2
Nebulas by Xandra 2
Speedball (Intro theme) by Grospixels 2
The Last Ninja Wilderness by SHEN LON 2
Tristessed Variations on a harder (undulled) piano by Vred 2
12. Batman the Caped Crusader (Reggaeton Mix) by Phrygian 1
Batman The Caped Crusader (Son of Gotham Remix) by Martin Dodd 1
Comic Bakery (rockdance mix) by Johan Andersson 1
Complex Title by Xandra 1
Crazy Comets by Sanjo Ride 1
Ghouls 'n Ghosts (Prog 'n Ghosts mix) by Riccardo Amabili 1
Ghouls n Ghosts (subtune 8) by OJ Oscillation 1
Green Beret (title screen) by SHEN LON 1
Hotrod (intro music) by Grospixels 1
Hypaball (Arok remix) by Teo 1
Lightforce (ID MM remix) by ID MM 1
Max Headroom (eight-six-remake) by Wobbler 1
Monty on the Run by OJ Oscillation 1
Northstar (The Local North Mix) by lclhstr 1
Paperboy Wingroov Remix by Mac_Svenni 1
R-type (fegolhuzz synthwave remix) by fegolhuzz 1
R-Type Intro (AiO's Sunset Cruise Mix) by AiO 1
Robotdreams (Piratedreams mix) by Drunktards 1
Shiftrix by Colmarr 1
Sigma 7 by MRT 1
Slow Slower (Place in the Space mix) by Xandra 1
Special Agent (Bits And Pieces) by Wobbler 1
Tetris in the air by Keys To Imagination 1
Tomcat by Phrygian 1
Tristessed Variations on a piano by Vred 1
Trojan Warrior by Johan Andersson 1
Turbo Charge (The Local Farthest Mix) by lclhstr 1
Turbo Outrun (Oh No It's A Trap) by Wobbler 1
Turrican 3 shooter by Madija 1
Tusker Desert Tune - Metal Version by Matteo Bosi 1
Uridium (The Local LFO Knob Mix) by lclhstr 1
Zeta 7 (Symphonic) by Seaweed 1

Best Amiga Remix

What Amiga remix did you like best in 2017?

Rank Title Score
1. Pinball Dreams (Beatbox Ingame Remix) by daXX 12
2. Hyperbased (Saturday Night Edit) by dLx 10
3. Shadow Of The Beast II - Title (Chillout Edit) by CZ Tunes 8
4. Apidya - Meadow's Edge by XxDUSTYxX 5
Yo! Joe! - Haunted House by Rapture 5
5. Mad Scientist by LMan 3
6. Blue Berry (Cover) by Darkman007 2
FlashBack (Ending) by Mano 2
Nearly There by Murdock 2
7. Arcane (Remix) by Sasha LOBANOVSKI 1
Cousin's Song (Megaforce) by Sasha LOBANOVSKI 1
Cousin's Song by Buzzer 1
Ecolove VS Ghost In The Shell voices by Murdock 1
Leander - World One by Isaac Béjar 1
Parasol Stars Medley by Rapture 1
Stardust Memories (MDK remix) by Murdock 1
Remixer Of The Year 2017 Trophy

ROTY - Remixer Of The Year 2017

Disclaimer: The results are based on votes made by the community. Errors and omissions excepted.

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21/02/2018 22:57
Congratulations to all!! You rock!!

21/02/2018 23:12
Well done Everyone.

21/02/2018 23:17
Congrats to all winners and huge thanks to the entire SlayRadio team!
Keep it up! |m|

22/02/2018 00:10
Congrats to everyone, especially to Dr. Rob Hubbard who was the inspiration for a good portion of the remixers we have today. Also a big congratulations to Chris Abbott and of course MRT for winning the ROTY for a third straight year. All well deserved.

22/02/2018 23:58
Thank you kind friends for voting to my recent remakes, and even voting for me as someone who deserves Remixer of the Year or Best Veteran trophy for year 2017. Once again i'm happy that i could give you some joy with my tunes. My thanks goes to other remixers - especially newcommers. You made year 2017 very rich and i wish this year will be even more fruitful. Thanks for SceneSat radio stuff for great awards show. Cheers!

24/02/2018 12:34
Congratulations to all the winners and everyone who contributed to the musical heritage of the remix scene last year! Also, many thanks to all of you, voters, listeners and commenters for such a warm welcome by considering us worthy of the Best Newcomer award in 2017 and it is even a greater honour to be given and share the trophy for Best C64 Remix of the Year at the same time. We are grateful for being awarded by this great community who not just keeps the legacy alive but enriches it year by year. And last but not least, thanks go out to SceneSat and SLAY Radio for the awesome ROTY show! 😊

27/02/2018 14:31
Congratulations to all winners, especially MRT, who makes the best stuff nowadays (and that showed, too).

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