ROTY 2024 Awards Show

Hosted by SLAY Radio on Feb 22, 2025 @ 18:00 (CET)

ROTY2024 Cup Only ROTY 2024 Awards Show

Lagerfeldt - Dutch Breeze/Robocop 3 (Progressive Uplift)

Track info
Dutch Breeze/Robocop 3 (Progressive Uplift)
Arranged by:
Lagerfeldt Remixer
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Charts position:
1. in the year 2003
193. in all-time charts
Dutch Breeze/Robocop 3 (Progressive Uplift Remix)
This is a remix/remake of the excellent Dutch Breeze/Robocop 3 tune by Jeroen Tel, one of the best composers on the C64.

Many people will recognize the tune from the well known Dutch Breeze demo but it also appeared in the Robocop 3 game - and appears in HVSC under the latter name.

Tehcnical notes:
The remix was created using Logic Audio Platinum 6.x and a variety of hardware and software synthesizers, including EMU 4XT, Emagic ES2, Yamaha CS6R, Clavia Nord Rack 2, and others. The lead synth was played live using using a distorted guitar sound processed thru a reFX Trasher II filter. The song was mixed using Logic Audio and a VM7200 digital mixing console. Mastered with T-RackS24.

Please enjoy!
Dutch Breeze/Robocop 3 (Progressive Uplift)
Vote distribution
Top Rankings

1 c64 charts 2003

1 c64 charts July 2003

While I truly admire the crisp production, I can't help but to feel no emotion or energy from this song
This is an all time favourite of mine, and this version is so close to perfect. Making the most of the already fab original sid.
I first heard this tune @ BIT2003 and I still love it to bits!
Slicker than a very slick thing in the middle of an oil slick and love that lead sound
So good! The speech just adds to the atmosphere!
I simply love this remix, I defy you to sit still while listening to it
Totally awesome! Great punching beat, well-balanced mix, just one awesome piece of remix!
One of the best remixes out there
Like it muchos 😉
Still one of my favorite remixes ever after 3 years!
Perfect instumentation, rockin' feet tapping… Well you know the rest!
Haha, YEAH! One of the best remixes I've ever heard. The. Sid too, Jeroen tel rules!😊)
Perfect… The Powerful SAW Sound… Trance it…
Too trance-y for my taste…
Together with Reyn Ouwehands Deflector, this tune defines the perfect Commodore 64 remix.
One of the all time best.
You know, othere remixes were great but this remix is historical.
This song is awsome. Best I've heard so far.
No trouble here whatsoever, great track!
Very good trance track
That's what I'd call a proper sonic threatment! Not my style but I don't really care when I meet such high quality work.
Outstanding Remix!
When I was a kid I used to load the Robocop 3 demo just to hear this, and the intro never fails to give me goosebumps. Jeroen Tel is a god and Lagerfeldt's remix is legendary.
I hear the song already for years. And I will hear it still many years. Ingenius.
Goose Bump alarm… One of the best remixes ever imo!
Love it!
The perfect energizer, you just cannot stay still.
I used to play this at work in the store… Good times. Love it.
Excellent work!
Review by red_devil


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating


This is totally awesome! The remix couldn't be done any better, the lead sound that's crucial for this tune is perfect. To some it up, this is THE f***ing remix for this tune. It goes on repeat now for the last hour, I even added it on my mobile phone 😊

The original sid was the best tune on the Dutch Breeze demo.

So, Lagerfeldt, when will you remake Flip flop (also from Dutch Breeze)? I'm waiting. Good work!
Review by Sonic Wanderer


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

A very well mixed remix indeed. Though I don't know the original, I must confess.
Technically this is almost as perfect as mixage could get, and choise of instruments is 100% heads-on. =)
There's plenty of bass, mid-range and treble to go around, and the balance of the mixage are top-notch.
The only downside I can think about is that the tune quite quickly get's somewhat repetitive, but fort some reason the bassline keeps my feet taping all the way through no matter what. =)
A must download!!
Review by infamous


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Yes!!! Yes!!! Oh yes!!! This is what I've been wanting for some time, a remix of the brilliant theme tune to Robocop 3.
Someone else did it once before (pretty well) but this… this!
Yes!!! If this was a drug it'd be Viagra to a 90 year old.

Come quietly or there will be trouble… nah thanks it's coming loud, it's coming and it's eating all the cookies and u aint gonna stop it.

I like this.
Review by craigg


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

For some reason Jeroen Tel's SIDs rarely work when remixed, perhaps due to their already 'complete' sound on the C64. However, this remix bucks the trend and then some. Lagerfeldt's mix may not be the most innovate we've seen, but it takes the original SID and puts it on overdrive, and to great effect. The addition of the club-like intro is inspired, providing the track with pace right from the start, and a major improvement over the slightly slow build of the original. The choice of instruments is pretty much flawless throughout, and while the inclusion of samples perhaps borders on the cheesy, they're not overdone. Overall, if you're a Tel fan, download this. If you're not, download it anyway, because this remix is great.
Review by LMan


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

You cannot listen to Lagerfeldt's Dutch Breeze interpretation without feeling the urge of getting on your feet and dance. I just love those juicy drums on this one. The proper usage of SID samples maintains enough of nostalgia, while Lagerfeldt's production standard is obviously top notch studio quality. An excellent dance track, punchy, fresh, and perfectly produced.
Review by pezz


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

I just simply don't enjoy listening to the original of this anymore, and when I play the original SID, I think of every part of this version. Outstanding.
Review by Tomsk


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Hugely crisp and fresh dancey version which I enjoyed enough to vote one of my favorites on Remix 64 last year. Extremely toe tapping beat, with a professional sound to boot. You can't argue with quality like this… thanks again for a great sounding mix.
Review by Cydonia


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

I cannot imagine a remix of this epic track more beautiful than this…
The only one who can make a better one, can only be Tel himself… the greatest ever…
Review by Ryrynz


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

This has everything going for it. Beautiful beat, beautiful synth, effects fit in perfectly… One of my all time favourites. No Emotion or energy? It's infectious! How can you not want to get your groove on listening to this?