Christian Schüler - W.A.R. (1996 mix)

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210. in the year 2006
4953. in all-time charts
This song was found on a long lost tape from 1996 or 1997.
Only spiced up with some EQ + limiting.

Yeah it is weird.

I used one of the factory performances of the Roland JV1080 and an Amiga 4000 with a MIDI software, and came up with this.

Blame the timing problems on the MIDI interface that I brought for my Amiga back then.
It seemed as if on occasion, the tempo sync signal didn't get through properly. I was lost as what to do.

But wrong notes? Sorry, no.
Back in 1996, this would have been good. But not now. It just seems a bit thin on the ground even though there's some good ideas there.
As fun as it is to hear a "new" 10 year old remix, this is just not good enough. Out of sync and tune at times, I find this hard to enjoy.
Touch SID to tackle but this is not the way...
Ok, its ten years old and back then it would have got a high result, but the tune is sorely lacking in every department
Can't enjoy this; too many imperfections.
'Tis mucho weird. Actually, if I had been presented with this for Back in Time 1 I wouldn't have used it, so it wouldn't have really worked then either.
It's not that bad compared to some of "todays" entries...
A bit too wobbly for my liking im afraid and very 2000 remix64 im afraid.
Sounds amateurish in any way, sorry. Bad notes all over the place. EDIT: Yes! There's almost no chord change that works like in the SID - even if this is done on purpose it sounds horrible to me. Sorry, again.
Probably one of my fav sids and very very under rated and probably one of the hardest to cover as no one has really tried. Yes its good for 1996 and nice to hear it. Would love to hear the 2007 version - good luck! A little watery for me
Nice one
It may be 10 years old & pre-soft synth but I like it. It's got character. I can def hear an influence from the X Files there.
Annoyingly boring!
Wtf is this?
There are more bum notes in here than a drug dealers safe.. Truly horrible.

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