Ferrara - Phantoms of the Asteroid (February 1999 remix)

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Ferrara Veteran
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Charts position:
162. in the year 2011
4335. in all-time charts

This was my second remix ever, done after the Ocean Loader 4 -remix in 1999.

As with my previous 1999 -release, this is a straight output from the original .XM -file

with a bit of bass and treble EQ'd. Now all my old remixes are out of the bag in RKO


Apologies for using the original SID-sounds, especially in the couple middle parts, where

I was being too lazy and too scared to attempt to recreate them with new instruments. :O)

I think this has less charm than the similarly produce TargetRenegade, and much more indicative of its time, better appreciated as a MOD/XM for what it is, and excellent when viewed as that.
The end result is somewhat muddy, the choice of instruments is understandable from a historical perspective. Not bad, but it didn't stand the test of time...
A few parts ok some of the note to disrupt the Remix.
This is good but it just trys to improve on the sid with "better" hardware unsuccesfully but it is old and for the time it was probably cool

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