Sanjo Ride - Ninja Remix
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Sanjo Ride Veteran
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Charts position:
64. in the year 2016
2786. in all-time charts
2786. in all-time charts
This was my second remix, I love this tune but was always frustrated by the lack of bass so…. that's what you get, ninja + more bass its not perfect but I'm pretty happy with the way it came out 😊
I also overlaid the lead string instrument just for funz… hope that didn't piss anyone off /:
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3 c64 charts September 2016
Asskicking cool!
Simple arrangement, but lots of cool sounds, plenty of retro feeling with all the arpeggios.
Really like the feel and sound of this. Great bass instruments too. If only it had a tad more dynamic range, I might give it a red one.
Really not like it much, sorry
Love it when we get down to business from 1:14! Especially pleased to finally hear a very faithful reproduction of the main melody--been waiting a long time!
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