Red Devil - Shavitt No.7

Track info
Arranged by:
Red Devil Adept
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Original SID:
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Charts position:
90. in the year 2006
2370. in all-time charts
Guy Shavitt has always been one of my C64 top musicians. After re-discovering SlayRadio and RKO I thought that something has to be wrong. Searching for Guy Shavitt return 0 results. He has done a couple of catchy tunes and this tune is in my opinion the best.

Since I have been away from music for almost 10 years, I realized that CakeWalk 3 couldn't take the heat anymore. After trying out a couple of different sequencers I did my choice and started learning that. Knowing exactly how I wanted it to sound, but not how to do it, was really annoying. But being stubborn helped me complete this tune as I wanted it to be. I didn\'t even have time to get my MIDI keyboard so I did it with my mouse, click, click…

Reminds me of Lizardking or Purple motion.. Which isn't a bad thing to be compaired with. Really well made but loses a points for it being way too short. Edit: Gains another point after realising it's not too short.. I simply must have enjoyed it so much!
Really love Guy Shavitt's sid stuff, hopefully some more remixes of his work will come
Mmmm! Sounds very early 90's Amiga. Me likes! :D
Very well done!
Cool tune, and very synthpop-ish!
Outstanding! I like it alot :)
It's just one of these tunes that really gets you in a happy mood :)
Gets better for every time I hear it, ~LIKE~
This is too 80's for me. I can recall at least half a thousand tunes that sound like this. Sorry.
Very amiga'ish and nicely done but nothing really above any real bar.. But still a good tune none the less.
Good foot tapping stuff.
I like the 80s synth feeling but I'd add more effects and filters here and there. Now it sounds just plain. Nice one tho.
Really nice one! Well executed and (amiga)-flavored somehow!
A bit bland.
Good stuff, very stylish!
Get on the euro-dancefloor.:)
Yup.. Very amiga-ish
A little boring but technically Ok.
Right palse for this sound. I like it.;-)
Sounds great!

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