ROTY 2024 Awards Show

Hosted by SLAY Radio on Feb 22, 2025 @ 18:00 (CET)

ROTY2024 Cup Only ROTY 2024 Awards Show

Larsec - Black Lamp (Come and Claim It!)

Track info
Arranged by:
Larsec Remixer
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Original SID:
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Charts position:
69. in the year 2003
2498. in all-time charts
OK, so I finally finished it…
The original had more narration in it but I decided to dump it for now because it just didn't fit… As usual I spend A LOT of time on this mix so (as for all my mixes) I hope you pay attention to the details, there are quite a few😉
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Superb… Nice narration. I just listened to it 5 times in a row!!!
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Bombastic sound, makes me feel when I first completed the game
Review by LMan


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Larsec's Black Lamp mix intially takes a while to capture you. But when it does, it does so fully - and by the time the break sets in, you'll find yourself rocking your head, at the latest. Apart from that, the tune is well produced, with the typical Larsec-esque atmosphere. A quite different approach to a great SID, an overall outstanding effort.
Review by DHS


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Larsec is cute 😊

Larsec is another dude who takes very original approaches when making a remix. This is not exception.
Ok, let's talk about this guitar. Thinking about the fact that's a soundfont, i must admit that it rocks big time.
Death metal rythm guitars at 03.00 are striking, those can break a wall or two.
Overall mix is very good but i hear a little of noise in the background.

Another must have from Larsec-dude.
Review by Tas


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Lars here attempts to make the synth guitar sound very real and does so with great competence. The arrangement is very clever and the overall sound picture is impressive to say the least. The backing with some very clever attacking drums patterns is the highlight here mixed with some cool vocal samples. Although the tune actually succeeds for the majority of the time i cannot say overall that i would listen to this repeatedly, it one of those tunes you'd listen to and admire instantly but then would never return maybe this is due to lack of variety or something i can't quite put my finger on. Lars improves all the time and with the dedicztion he shows to his music i think there's more to come from Larsec, it's just a matter of time.