Dash Fiss - Hysteria (Hysteroid Remix)

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Dash Fiss Remixer
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144. in the year 2011
3876. in all-time charts

This MP3 wasn't really intended to be released, it was just made for me, myself and Fred But since there is in fact a site for C64 remixes, why not!

It's basically a love-letter to my favourite SID above them all, Hysteria (ingame) by Fred Gray. Stayed true to the signature features of the original, such as the lead voice envelopes/vibrato, the quirky percussion, and the PWM bass. However I did allow myself to improve on a few obvious compromises from only having 3 channels, so I've fixed the flow/consistency of the chords and hihats.

It was never a priority how well the song would stand on its own, it's basically a new rendition of the song, so if you do not already have a very strong bond to the SID, this remake might not be for you.

So if you're looking for the live guitar version, the blues version or the happy hardcore version, I'm afraid you'll have to keep looking

A pleasant minimalistic version of Hysteria - maybe to the point of not having enough in there to maintain the attraction for the length of the tune. But, nicely executed.
Pleasant enough, but the instrumentation is rather bland. Some reverb would've helped, too.
Hysteria 3 (Listeria Free) vurtX is my favorit this remix is boring sorry.
A very competant remake
This captures the spirit of the original - oh for past days!

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