Reviews by gator

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Displaying Reviews 1 - 11 out of 11


Party of the Year (Bonzax) - arranged by Mordi

Review by gator, 25/02/2019

But somebody please tell me what this is a remix of. This website needs to have a column in the description that names the games the remix comes from because too often I am left completely without a clue.
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R-Type Title (Re-make) - arranged by Tn-1

Review by gator, 23/05/2006

An R-Type remix is always welcome, bit this one is kinda bland and a bit uneven. Don't get me wrong, it does have some cool moments but I think you need to re-do the whole track and make the good parts stronger and erase the rest.
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Combat Crazy - arranged by Ollas & Ziphoid

Review by gator, 02/04/2006

This is a kinda over-rated track. Sorry, it's just the way I feel. None of it sounds memorable or catchy and it doesn't develop in any interesting or dynamic way. It's actually a bit scattered and random.
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Ghost'n Goblins - arranged by Kent Walldén

Review by gator, 15/11/2005

I really love this track. It's the best interpretation of the G G music yet. It's so funky and has an excellent trance feel while maintaining the slightly spooky sounds the theme is famous for. However I would have appreciated less of the original sound effects and they distract from the wonderful sound and feel the rest of the track creates. Kudos, my friend.
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Gremlins II (The New Batch) - arranged by Nada

Review by gator, 09/11/2005

The Gremlins theme opens up soooooooooo much possibility for remixes. Yes, this does nothing for it. I really would love a great Gremlins remix.
Artistic skill
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Cobra (Live Electric Guitar) - arranged by Gibs offline

Review by gator, 08/11/2005

I thought this sounded really good but it wasn't long enough. The 80s were known for their long, hedonistic guitar solos and I wanted one for this, but there was none. It would have been brilliant if it did. You should try it again.
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Suicide Express - arranged by Morten KORG

Review by gator, 01/11/2005

Meh, it was okay. Most of it reminded me of the opening theme for Escape from LA, actually. While it did effect a slow, sort of dangerous atmosphere I don't think it really took full advantage of Crowther's tune. With a lot more seriousness and perhaps an evil streak to it, this could have been a classic remix. Just average as it is tho. Sorry.
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The Recovery - arranged by Glyn R Brown

Review by gator, 24/10/2005

I love this track. It reminds of Hans Zimmer when he was good. It really does have that early days of Media Ventures feel to it. Like Rain Man. Honestly, lets have more remixes like these!
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Turrican (Falling Below Mix) - arranged by Dreamer

Review by gator, 26/09/2003

Once again we have a Turrican remix that is NOT of the best tune in the game (the jetpack level). Most of this remix seems generic and repetitive. I like the spacious stereo effects but they can't save this bore. It's not something I can dance to or nod my head to at all.

Will someone please do a Trance remix of the jetpack level tune.

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Turrican II Ending (Paul Blackford mix) - arranged by Paul Blackford offline

Review by gator, 14/07/2003

I'm tired of these uninspiring Turrican remix. The game itself had so many cool tunes on it but so far I've not heard one remix that excites. Why doesn't somebody do a Trance remix of the jetpack level from the first Turrican.

THAT would sound awesome.
Artistic skill
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Ocean Loader 2 (Dance X-Periment) - arranged by Sonic Wanderer

Review by gator, 03/05/2003

It begins very, very cool, creating a unique atmosphere, but too soon enough the dated sound of the C64 takes over and the whole thing collapses. A shame considering it could have been a classic.
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Overall rating