ROTY 2024 Awards Show

Hosted by SLAY Radio on Feb 22, 2025 @ 18:00 (CET)

ROTY2024 Cup Only ROTY 2024 Awards Show

Riccardo Amabili (Gammagumma)

Member Profile
Real name:
Riccardo Amabili
Joined Remix64:
December 2003
Remix projects:
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About me
Instruments: piano, bass, guitar, electric mandolin, cretan lyra.


 keyboard_arrow_downReleasedTitleRemixed byDurationPlatformComposed byScore
13/09/2017Ghouls 'n Ghosts (Prog 'n Ghosts mix)Riccardo Amabili3:06c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Tim Follin66% 
21/12/2013Madness Hi-ScoresGammagumma3:26c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Chris Hülsbeck72% 
31/01/2012Cosmic Cruiser - Galacto Honoris (Pravda mix)Gammagumma3:01c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Fred Gray82% 
14/01/2012Domain (zona derattizzata)Gammagumma2:10c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
(composer unknown)74% 
30/12/2011Caverns of Khafka (Igno mix)Gammagumma4:00c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Paul Norman69% 
23/12/2010Madness-SadnessGammagumma5:02c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Chris Hülsbeck65% 
27/11/2007Vincent (Bloody Orange remix)Gammagumma3:18c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Frank Schäfers, Jörg Schäfers82% 
15/03/2006Web Dimension (for Russ)Gammagumma1:20c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Russell Lieblich77% 
07/03/2006How to be a Complete Bastard (Mandojam mix)Gammagumma1:46c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
(composer unknown)76% 
17/01/2006CJ's Elephant AnticsGammagumma3:08c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Ashley Hogg68% 
08/12/2005Break Down (Piano Lead)Gammagumma2:17c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Anders Ågren51% 
09/11/2005Giana Sister (white reggae mix)Gammagumma2:09c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Chris Hülsbeck61% 
09/11/2005Target Renegade (Big in Italy)Gammagumma2:54c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Gary Biasillo63% 
30/08/2005Subway Vigilante (emulated guitar mix)Gammagumma3:54c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Johannes Bjerregaard54% 
27/02/2005IMadness (malattia elettronika mix)Gammagumma2:37c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Chris Hülsbeck55% 
17/02/2005I want more diamonds (italo wave mix)Gammagumma6:09c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Gábor Gaspar75% 
02/01/2005IMotor Massacre (Kraftwerk mix)Gammagumma5:35c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Ben Daglish50% 
17/05/2004Werewolves of London (tune 1+2 accordion mix)Gammagumma3:05c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Andy Sico63% 
17/05/2004M.U.L.E. (ska mix)Gammagumma2:45c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Roy Glover62% 
21/02/2004IUsagi Yojimbo (mando mix)Gammagumma3:13c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Neil Brennan63% 
21/10/2003IRForbidden Forest (post-rock remix)Gammagumma2:06c64 SID remixes Remix.Kwed.Org
Paul Norman61%