ROTY 2024 Awards Show

Hosted by SLAY Radio on Feb 22, 2025 @ 18:00 (CET)

ROTY2024 Cup Only ROTY 2024 Awards Show

An Interview with Jogeir Liljedahl

by Neil Carr

Jogier is another person who has contributed to the Back In Time album. His most popular cover is the Galway Is God mix, Which even he describes as his personal favourite. This mix mergers both Rambo and Green Beret with some class. It's an excellent cover, and it can be found on BIT 1 CD.

Real name: Jogeir Liljedahl

Born: 1974

Nationality: Norwegian

Interview date: 04 April 2001



What are your Favourite C64 composers, and why?


Mr. Galway, Mr. Hubbard, Mr. Daglish and Mr. Follin! Galway for bending the sounds to the uttermost limit of the SID chip - just listen to the opening tune at First Blood Part II along with the other great solos and arrangements he did 15 years ago! Hubbard for his unique melodies and his use of classic/modern pop style mixed together to make it all sound very cool! Daglish for yet another original music-mind, creating tunes like Trap, where you feel the machine itself blows up due to the strong arrangement! Follin for his brilliant technique and his great solos!

Jogeir Liljedahl with Arvid Weber, who does the artwork for Back In Time

What are your favourite c64 sids?


There are simply too many to mention! Parallax, Flash Gordon, Bombo and Agent X 2, that's some great tunes from all of my favourites.


Are there any other c64 arrangers that you like?


Chris Abbott.


Why did you start arranging C64 Music?


The scene seemed to lose all the great composers, only making techno and other house related music. That's when I thought I would make a rendition of a great c64-tune with lots of samples, trying to maintain the old style, but improve the arrangement so it would sound good on PC aswell. I also did it to remind people of what musicians we have had through the era of computer music!


What feedback have you had?


All sorts of feedback actually. Everything from You've stolen the tune! to Your rendition is simply great!. It seemed like some people misunderstood me back then…


How did you get the idea of merging Rambo and Green Beret?


A lot of work, searching for two tunes that somehow could be mixed together in a proper way! I had already been making the Rambo part for a c64-contribution demo, but since the tune was too short, I had to find a solution so I started to search for a new tune to mix into the first one…


What in your opinion should a remix sound like to give the original justice?


First of all, listen to the tune a couple of times to find out if you really can make it good enough for people to even bother. If that works out, I want no wrong notes, that's the rule no. 1!!! Maintaining some of the charm from the original sid.


How did you come to work on the Bit Albums?


I don't remember exactly. Either I got contacted by Chris, or I contacted him!


Will you be working on further Bit Albums in the future?


Yes, I will.


If there was a tune that you wish you could call your own, what would it be, and why?


The Ocean Loader, because it's really a masterpiece, and I guess it's one of the most heard tunes on the C64! After all, it was used for several games, as loading-music!


What equipment/software do you use?


I use a 4-track mixer, an Ensoniq sound module, a Roland sound module, Cakewalk Pro v9.0 and sometimes Fasttracker 2.


What arrangement are you most proud of?


I guess that would be Galway is God.


What do you look at when creating a remix?


I try to picture myself a soundscape much more colorful than the original tune. The importance is to try to make the remix interesting from the first second. If you don't get any attention the first half minute, people usually just turn off the tune, especially if it's a remix of a known tune.


Who do you think gives the scene the biggest boost?


I think that both Hubbard and Daglish have been doing that well the last year. They're into it for people like us, and they even participate in the remixes that are being released on the BiT albums. They're even coming to the Back In Time Live-event this May!!!


What are your thoughts of the Bitlive event?


I think it's a great idea. I'm going there myself, so I can't afford to think otherwise 😊


What are your fondest memories of the c64?


Playing Blue Max while my late grandmother watched me! It's about 17 years ago, but I still remember it like it was last year. Somehow that memory is burned into my brain forever!


What non c64 music do you like, and does it reflect in your arrangements?


I listen to all kinds of music! Seal, Queen, Oldfield, Jarre, Vangelis, George Michael, Enya, Cock Robin, Eagles, Foreigner etc. etc… Too many 😊


Is there a tune that has not yet been covered that you would like to hear?


Well, I don't know about ALL the covers around the world, but I would like to hear a good remix of Jeroen Tel's That's The Way It Is!


I have spotted most of your work is a bit of a Galway-fest, would i be correct in presuming that you are a big Galway fan, and will you be creating more Galway pieces, or will you be concentrating your efforts elsewhere?


Well, I really like the Galway style, his work is fantastic! I made a lot of Galway tunes a couple of years ago, and when I contacted him, he really liked it! I guess that inspired me to make even more of his wonderful music! I will concentrate more on my own compositions from now on, since I've planned to release a second CD sometime. We'll see…


What inspires you when you create your arrangements?


It's very difficult to point a finger on a specific detail. Many things inspire me, things like good feedback from the maestros themselves…


Commercially can you see c64 music making an impact?


I would really like that! Who knows, if someone very rich could sponsor a project with loads of commercials worldwide, I have no doubt! Perhaps we should ask Bill Gates?! 😊


What are your likes/dislikes about the remix scene?


Nostalgia is what I like about it! What I don't like is people who start a career in making covers, and nothing more…


What does the future hold for your music?


Many new compositions, a few remixes - perhaps a new girlfriend too??!


Lastly, here is an open question, write anything that you think about the scene?


I would like to thank all people who support the c64-music in general, especially the guys who still have got the machine and use it! I'm not in too deep into the scene, so I guess SID 4EVER would be my last words! And thanx for the interview! Live long and prosper


- Jogeir Liljedahl

Jogier's obvoiusly has massive respect for nearly everyone connected with the scene, and especially for the composers who made the scene possible in the first place. He still has a great fondness for the C64, as do we all.

- Neil