ROTY 2024 Awards Show

Hosted by SLAY Radio on Feb 22, 2025 @ 18:00 (CET)

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An Interview with CZ Tunes

by Neil Carr

CZ tunes has been pumping out tunes at quite a rate recently. More than i can say for this interview which took far too long to get online.

Handle: CZ Tunes

Interview date: 9 July 2001


What c64 composers do you like?

CZ Tunes

There were plenty of good composers. But my personal favourites are Jeroen Tel, Jonathan Dunn, Rob Hubbard, Ben Daglish, Matt Gray and many more. This list could still get longer, but then again I could list everyone. But these here belong to my personal Top 5.

CZ Tunes

What c64 sids are your favourites?

CZ Tunes

All Sids from Last Ninja 1 and 2. These are my definite Top Sids. First class work by Ben Daglish and Matt Gray. Of course there are other good pieces like Hawkeye, Flimbo's Quest, Cybernoid 1 and 2 etc. There are actually no bad sids, because every Sid reflects a bit of past. A great praise to all c64 composers!


What equipment/software do you use?

CZ Tunes

have a PC and I use Fasttracker 2. I've been working with tracker software since times of Amiga (Sound FX, Startracker), and I am still into it. Besides, Fasttracker is for free, hahaha. I'm doing all my music with Fasttracker (Folk-Dance, House, Game soundtracks and c64 remixes). I am not that good in reading music, so Fasttracker is just suitable for me πŸ˜‰


What do you look at in a sid when remixing it?

CZ Tunes

I need to be sure I'm able to do a faithful remix πŸ˜‰ I regard a rhythmic and good sounding melody. If I listen to a sid which matches my taste, I usually get the idea for a remix immediately. Then I instantly start working on it. For example, I liked the jumpy melody of Flimbo's Quest very much. It's cheering up and almost forces people to get into a good mood. And it shouldn't be messy. There are some freaky sids which are not bad for that, but I simply cannot imagine doing a remix of those.


What other arrangers do you like?

CZ Tunes

There are many good arrangers. Chris Abbott is of course one of them. By this way, I want to greet Chris, for he gave me the hint to upload my mixes to (thanks!) And of course Instant Remedy. He belongs to remixing like a fish belongs to the water πŸ˜‰ I also like the work of Glyn R. Brown very much. Especially the variety of ideas on his Blasteroids impressed me much. I could list even more, but I'll spare that and just say: Visit R:K:O. There are plenty of great arrangers! Cheers to all of them πŸ˜‰


What are your likes/dislikes regarding remixing c64 sids?

CZ Tunes

On remixing, I like playing with the original sid. When the original sid has run out, I start experimenting with the different sid channels (Example: No Mercy remix, from minute 3:30).
On other people's remixes I like it if the original sid sounds are in it. If that is not the case, I like the Soundwavers' Cybernoid 2 remix very much, to name an example. I don't like mixes that are too freaky and don't mach the sound of the original tune anymore. But this is my personal opinion and shouldn't offend any arranger. This simply is a matter of taste πŸ˜‰


Why do you remix c64 music?

CZ Tunes

Because the c64 tunes were interesting to me from the start. I recorded them on audio tape to listen to them. Besides, the music reminds an old computer freak like me of a wonderful past that is being missed by many computer freaks I guess. Meeting buddies, firing up the c64 and sitting in front of the TV-set all night, until the c64 power unit starts glowing πŸ˜‰ The sids are unforgettable tunes reflecting the beginning of computer history. I still love to listen to c64 music and have burned it on several CDs playing inside my car audio. That's why they must never be forgotten, and that's why I started remixing a few of them.


Who do you think gives the scene the biggest boost?

CZ Tunes

In my opinion, the remix scene is driven by Chris Abbott and Instant Remedy. Chris because of his Back In Time CDs, which are mandatory for every c64 fan in my opinion. Instant Remedy because of his dance remixes. They are somehow close to the original and still 2001 compatible πŸ˜‰


Which remix of your own are you most pleased with?

CZ Tunes

I believe that my Hawkeye Loader turned out pretty good. The Flimbo's Quest Loader and the Creatures Dance remix are pretty good as well. But the main thing is, that other people like them and that I might make several people happy with my remixes.


Is there a tune that has not yet been remixed that you would like to hear?

CZ Tunes

I guess my favourite sids all have been remixed before. Sometimes good, sometimes not that good - but that's a matter of taste. I haven't found a remix of Barbarian 1 so far, I like the sound of it a lot. But it is hard to remix, I think. Maybe that's why nobody has tried so far πŸ˜‰. Maybe someone will approach the Barabarian tune? I will try for sure. I'm still lacking ideas and inspiration, tho…!


Where do you get your inspiration?

CZ Tunes

Usually, it's enough to listen to a few sids - and the inspiration is there! It's hard to describe. But of course the load of eMails rushing in provide motivation and inspiration too. If I have done a new remix and receive an eMail by somebody telling me that it's absolutely super, than it is inspiration enough to continue.


What non-c64 music do you like, and does this reflect in your music?

CZ Tunes

Despite of c64 music I love all the Amiga game tunes, which are unforgettable as well. Shadow of the Beast, Wings of Death, Turrican etc. I listen to German Disco-Fox (Folk Dance) too. I have done some of these tunes myself. This reflects in some of my c64 remixes, too. My definite favourite band is Status Quo, but nothing of their music reflects in my mixes πŸ˜‰


Should c64 music be commercial or should it stay underground?

CZ Tunes

Let me put it this way: Those who want to offer his music for free, should have the opportunity to do so. It would be nice on the other hand, if someone could publish a CD, so it could be bought in stores anywhere. It also would be nice if there was a bar or a disco where you could have a beer (or two, or three, or four of them, or…) and celebrate and dance to c64 music with your friends.


What are your fondest memories of the c64?

CZ Tunes

Unpack the c64, unpack the floppy drive, insert a disk and here we go! Haha, I believe that games were more addictive back then. The demands were on a lower level. There was no need for 3d, for fat processors or fast harddisks. You could sit in front of the c64 all night and torture the joysticks until the end. I actually re-bought myself a c64 with floppy drive, even since I own a PC with an emulator, but that's just not quite the same. The games were simply fantastic. You took yourself time for playing, and completing them. I remember in details how it was to sit in front of the c64 and to play The Last Ninja 2. My jaw kept dropping all the time and I played it like a maniac. One of my fondest memories is, like I said, sitting in front of the c64 with my friends from dusk till dawn.


If there was a tune you wish you could claim as your own what would it be, and why?

CZ Tunes

Yes! I think the Last Ninja Wilderness Remix by Instant Remedy is absolutely fantastic. If I had managed to do my Last Ninja 1 Remix this way, I'd be really happy. That's why I stopped developing it. Maybe Instant Remedy will do a remix of Last Ninja 2 Central Park and upload it to (hint, hint) πŸ˜‰


Why do you think that c64 music still lives to this very day?

CZ Tunes

As I said before, the c64 music belongs to the past of several people. And who doesn't like the reminisce about the good old computer times. And the c64 era with all its fascinating tunes is a part of that. There were only 3 channels, but they were enough to enchant and thrill the folks. The sids applied the certain kick to the games. The emulators are playing their part in keeping the c64 music alive, too.


What piece of equipment that you do not own, would you like?

CZ Tunes

A complete audio sudio πŸ˜‰ I have nothing special in mind, because I haven't considered this before. I don't even know what parts of equipment I'd need. I'll take a look around, maybe I'll buy this or that device.


Lastly, what would you like to say to the scene?

CZ Tunes

Keep on remixing, and never stop! Everyone in his own way. For each remix there is a fan. So go on with it! Huge praise and thank you to all arrangers! Keep up the good work!

PS: If you ever think of the past, think of the most fantastic time - c64!!!

Playing the c64 from dusk till dorn i can certainly relate to that. A big appology to CZ tunes, for the delay's in getting this online. All my fault!.

- Neil