ROTY 2024 Awards Show

Hosted by SLAY Radio on Feb 22, 2025 @ 18:00 (CET)

ROTY2024 Cup Only ROTY 2024 Awards Show

Symphonic Competition Results

It was a very close call as to whom would finish in 1st place and it came down to just a single deciding vote to finalise the outcome. Both remixes are excellent and it was really tough to decide who came out on top. However Markus Schneider just crept in there and won the Orchestral Remix compo. Well Done Markus.
In general Rafeal was voted third by many of the judges and this was probably the easiest decision of the lot. A really good piece of work here, but maybe not quite upto the excellence as 1st and 2nd places.
Positions 4-7 were impossible to judge with everyone having differing opions on these remixes. But by and large the general thought pattern remained the same with all judging.
Unfortunately Naughtyboy's work really didn't fit into the catagory of what we asked for. Everyone agreed that it's a really good remix and was unfortunate to finish where it is.

Best Remix

The remixes with the highest total score at the symphonic compo.

Rank Title Score
1. Crown (Orchestral Menace Edit) by Markus Schneider 86
2. Scarabaeus (Orchestral Mix) by Markus Holler 84
3. X-Out by Rafael Dyll 64
4. Driven 25 (Orchestral Compo mix) by Ruiner 50
5. Commando (Orchestral - Compo Edition) by Larsec 48
6. Spellbound (Orchestral) by LaLa 44
7. Delta by Eric 38
8. Human Race by Michel Sirieix 22
9. Acid Groove by Naughtyboy 14

80s Style Competition Results

Though only 4 entires in the 80's compo section. It still was a tough job to judge. Cirdan just edged the voting with his excellent remix which is typically 80's. Congrats Cirdan.
Both PPOT's and Jeroens remixes are both really good and any of the top three tunes could have finished at top spot, it was very a close call across the spectrum.
Tho Sidicums Batman finished last out of the four, there's no denying that it's a good effort and it's certainly worth a listen.

Best Remix

The remixes with the highest total score at the 80s compo.

Rank Title Score
1. Pucca City (spacedisco-mix) by Cirdan 83
2. International Karate by Jeroen Breebaart 80
3. Ark Pandoras Divine Trousers by PRESS PLAY ON TAPE 77
4. Batman The Caped Crusader (L'Aventurier Mix) by Sidicium 60

So a big congrats to both Markus Schneider and Cirdan who both win copies of Remix64,Immortal 2 and Merregnon 2. Both remix64 and Immortal 2 are ready to be shipped to you straight away, so if you please get in contact with us with your Snail mail address they will be shipped to you promptly. Merregnon 2 is still in the process of being developed. This title will be shipped when released.
Finally i'd just like to thank all who entered the competitions, well done to everyone on a great compo.
NOTE: The contenstants are free now to upload your remixes to RKO. We will not be publishing the tracks here at remix64. This way our voting system can take effect.