Reviews by Nickenstein

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Displaying Reviews 1 - 2 out of 2


Never Die (Skitz lives forever) - arranged by Slaygon

Review by Nickenstein, 13/03/2015

The way that the classical stringed instruments are blended with a deep synthetic-bass is very hollywood, and would fit in perfectly in any current big-budget movie. Having now just listened to the original SID, I'm quite stunned at how expertly you have turned it into a very modern piece without loosing the essence of the source. Also, the dedication you made to Skitz in the title made me remember my time with him as I listened. There are tears on my desk.
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating

Rambo First Blood Part II (title theme) - arranged by Johan Andersson

Review by Nickenstein, 13/03/2015

As stated in my 'shout', this was the second piece of music I ever heard from my own C64 (As Rambo-FB-Prt-2 was the first cassette I loaded on that Christmas day so very very long ago. So I clearly have a huge nostalgia-hard-on for this particular tune, but putting my bias on hold, here is my review: SUPERB! Excellent guitar and piano sections. But the great instrumental work is so nice, that the vocal samples cheapen/taint the piece. I would love a new upload sans-vocals. 😃
Artistic skill
Nostalgia factor
Overall rating