ROTY 2024 Awards Show

Hosted by SLAY Radio on Feb 22, 2025 @ 18:00 (CET)

ROTY2024 Cup Only ROTY 2024 Awards Show

DjLizard - Hypa-ball (Low kick remix)

Track info
Hypa-ball (Low kick remix)
Arranged by:
DjLizard Remixer
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Original SID:
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Charts position:
238. in the year 2001
3631. in all-time charts
This one was a really cool one to make… pitchshifted the entire song down to make it nice and deep… tracked a background (Impulse Tracker!) and let it grow from there. I've been drooling about this song since I was a kid, sitting on my dad's C64 banging away at Hypa-ball. I think I knew I wanted to remix it when I was like 10 years old 😊

  • I got an email from Keith Tinman himself (!) who said he enjoyed the mix!
Hypa-ball (Low kick remix)
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Review by Chris Abbott


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

Hypaball has always been a wiiiide tune to me. The sid sound has a lot of detuning between different voices, and an expansion of the sound during the breaks. This cover tries to capture that expansion with filter sweeps and the SID, but somehow the raw SID has more power. The breakbeat on this one is a 'Doctoring the Tardis' beat, with the same 12/8 shuffle as the original SID. At 1:28 there's a nice break which sounds even vaguely Michael Jacksonesque. Oddly enough, the drums disappear too gradually to be replace by a conga filled break through the triangle wave quiet bit of the original. Well, you can't fault DJ Lizard for variety on this piece. This is a professional sounding cover, and interesting to listen to. Mentally it's very strange that the SID is more powerful to me: kind of overwhelming in a way. This cover fails to capture this, but takes the tune into a left-field arrangement that's interesting, though I'm not sure it would bear repeat listening. There's a more satisying cover for fans of this piece out there in the future, but until then, download this!).
Review by immacolata


Artistic skill

Nostalgia factor

Overall rating

As remixes go, this does a poor impression. It sounds as if the remixer lets the most of the original tune do the work for him, just adding a drum beat. Around 1:24 he really gets to work though, by making some kind of interlude on the song's theme, and at 2:16 we're back again to the first part. I dig the original sound track so much that I find myself listening to this track a lot. But alas for the wrong reasons. Hypaball is not easy to dance with I guess, and that is why the original tune steals so much of the song's duration. Merits for trying and not burning it.