ROTY 2024 Awards Show

Hosted by SLAY Radio on Feb 22, 2025 @ 18:00 (CET)

ROTY2024 Cup Only ROTY 2024 Awards Show

Editorial - July 2002

Well Bitlive has come and gone, and i think it was a great night. However the general thought pattern seems to state that the venue just wasn't big enough. To add to that i thought that the place just wasn't right to hold live performaces as only about 20 or so people could get to see the live acts that were there. Non the less it was a great night, and one i enjoyed emensly. There will be a full report coming soon here at remix64 so i won't go on too much about it at this present time. Markus Took some photo's too, so we'll be adding them in due course.
Neil Carr

This month is a busy time for remix64, as there will be many new additions here. What do we have… Well lets see…

1) Bitlive report.
2) Bitlive 3 for sale (written exclusively by Andrew Fisher for remix64)
3) Reviews of Instant remedy and Galway remixed.
4) Adding alternative reviews for PPOT, Instant remedy, Galway remixed by Andrew fisher.

And more..

So, another month passed. An exciting month indeed with BITLive (which I missed, shame on me…), several new CDs released (of which I have ordered none yet, shame on me… but I need to sort my VISA out first) and a new leader of the pack with Glyn's latest remix (which I havent downloaded yet, shame on me…) toping the charts.
Yes, I've been quite inactive to the untrained eye. I was hoping I would have at least one CD track finished for BITLive to give you all a little teaser, but I've only just finished most of the arrangements and will soon move into my studio (some might just call it my bedroom) for mixing and vocal recording.

The hot topic of the month started a few days ago, with the self-vote dispute and the usual upsetness that follows a hot topic. I just love the smell of flaming in the morning! Discussions are good. I didn't participate much because I've not been online alot the past month (who could've guessed I'd survive without the internet?).

Self-votes and friend-votes have always been a hot topic around the demoscene, cracking scene…well pretty much every scene I guess.
People saying shitty demos won at a demoparty just because a specific group had the most friends there and so on. Sure, it's a sad thing the best don't get the recognition because people vote on friends and themselves. But what the hell. In the end it's not the charts or amount of downloads that should count. Not when it's about an underground non-profit activity done by people who're in it for the fun an education rather than the fame and glory. Of course it's nice when people know your name because of something you've accomplished. But I wouldn't want to be the one remembered as the guy that always complains about the wrong song topping the charts or the asshole who always claims his songs are better than my songs. I know I've sometimes been the guy complaining about the wrong song topping the charts, but I hope that's not what people will remember my name for.

I think it's hard to have an objective view on something I've created myself. Often when I release something I think it's the best thing I ever did. After a few months I realize it wasn't the best thing I ever did. So I leave the judging up to others. I try to be humble when talking about my own work, even if I think it rules and even though I don't believe in the Jante-law.

I don't think there's any need to change the voting system on remix64. People may vote for their own tracks, I don't mind as long as it's at least honest votes. Besides, it would take about 10 accounts to be able to make any real changes in the charts (and if someone is so pathetic to create 10 accounts and vote all his/her songs as outstanding they've missed the whole point of c64 remixing). The first three pages on the r64 charts are must haves anyway. And as I have a fast connection at home I download everything and make my own decisions about the fate of a particular song (the infamous keep or delete decision).

Best is not an objective word. No one else knows what I like. There might be elements in a bad remix that I like, and keep because of that. That's how I started listening to synth-music when I actually was a metal-head. There were elements that I liked, that I grew to love and now I create them myself. Music works in mysterious ways.
