ROTY 2024 Awards Show

Hosted by SLAY Radio on Feb 22, 2025 @ 18:00 (CET)

ROTY2024 Cup Only ROTY 2024 Awards Show


Welcome Editorial issue 3: July 2001

It seems that the latest submissions to R:K:O will now be strictly controlled for Quailty. Jan obviously thinks that poor remixes do not have their place at R:K:O ( However he does suggest that submitted remixes that would be rejected should be still made available from within their own homepages. Arrangers and listerners could send their advice on how to improve their musical awarenes.

This sparked a massive debate across many quarters, and the general thoughts of this have tended to agree with Jan, with only a few minor objections.

Also on the topic of R:K:O, jan has implemented the NEW feature at R:K:O. This will enable visitors to be aware of what has been uploaded since their last visit. More features are planned for R:K:O, but Jan states.. That he doesn't want to alter the design, because he feels that the current design is a winner.

Recomended Downloads:

Enigma Force (LManic Sunflower Mix) - LMan (Fred Gray)

A bouncy jolly tune from Lman. With a great spacey intro at the start. The vocals for the intro part was supplied by Lman's Girl friend Sunflower. Fred Gray even stated that he thinks that it's the best remix of Enigma Force that he's ever heard.

Last Mission - Glyn R Brown (David Whittaker)

Glyn's remix of this tune follows the same mould as Blasteroids (which was recommended here last month). If you liked that one, then you are sure to like this.

Auf Wiedersehen Monty - Oedipus (Rob Hubbard/Ben Daglish)

A good version of this sid. With a few minor alterations this tune follows pretty much in the same principles of the original. Some slightly different sounds play the lead that makes the tune slightly bouncier than some remixes of the tune.

Rasputin (Rob Rulez Remix) - Sascha Theel (Rob Hubbard).

A great version of the tune that has been overlooked many times. Ok so it's a cover of a cover, but it doesn't mean it shouldn't be remixed. A good entrance to the scene by Sashca here.

Since rko hasn't been updated at the time of writing this. We may be adding more recomendations shortly.
The normal disclaimer applies…. These tunes are our personal favourites for the month. This doesn't mean that there are not other great tunes to be found.


Commercialism on remixing.

The Back In time series of CD's have been outstanding bringing a new dimension to remixing. Bit 3 was a massive success and pushed the concept of remixing even further.

Nexus also took remixing one step further bringing a more Live feel to the remix.
Recently the has been a surge of announcements on even more of these CD's in the pipeline. The Soundwavers are working on a Rob Hubbard tribute CD, Seth Sternberger is working on the 8-bit weapon, and plans to play some of it Live in the USA, Instant Remedy is working on Two CD's: one for c64 users and one for the club scene, Marcel Donne is working on BIT Jarre, and ofcourse Bit4 is roughly 2 years away.

So what does this mean for the end user? Can this be the start of a revolution in remixing? Will more and more of these CD's mean less free releases? Does Quality matter over the public domain? Where do the profits go? Is it even making a mockery of the scene?

These questions and many more remain unanswered. We invite all to give there opinions on what could prove to be the start of a very commercial avenue for the remixing of sids.

Do you think that the scene is changing, do you think that this is going too far, where do you want the scene to go?

(Hot Topic Forum discontinued)