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Impossible Mission Remix + Question

Posted: 14/03/2011 - 15:13
by Talking Air Commando
Hello to All !

I finished a "remix" of Impossible Mission, which includes all speech samples, most of the ingame FX (original and remake), and parts
of the original manual.

Before I upload, I want to ask:

Is this within the rules on remix64 (because it contains no original SID tune) ?


Re: Impossible Mission Remix + Question

Posted: 21/03/2011 - 19:19
by Vosla
I've seen stranger things on RKO.
But then, I'm just your generic forum reader...

I say, go for it.

Re: Impossible Mission Remix + Question

Posted: 21/03/2011 - 23:50
by Analog-X64
Go 4 it and if it gets rejected, don't take it personally and post it on a sharing site and lets have a listen. :)

Re: Impossible Mission Remix + Question

Posted: 23/03/2011 - 9:49
by Talking Air Commando
ok, I got no "rejection" mail yet. (though I got an error message at registering saying their mail server is not responding, so I dont know...)

In case I get rejected and I cannot leave my production notes for you there (dont know if this is even possible on other sites), I just
want to let you all know, that there is more going on than just a "simple" MP3 - to bring some new life to this great milestone by Dennis Caswell:

1. I made a *generic* DVD for my tracks, and the vids are uploaded now.
2. Some people (including me) are working on a possibly new remake of the game (so if there are any fans out there...)

In case of rejection I can post the details here, if you want.

BTW - do you know of any similar and good site comparing to remix64, where one can upload some personal stuff ?

Re: Impossible Mission Remix + Question

Posted: 23/03/2011 - 21:38
by trace
I don't think it will sound worse than my IM remix, that I don't know if I will release ? :P :oops:

Re: Impossible Mission Remix + Question

Posted: 26/03/2011 - 8:08
by Talking Air Commando
You did an totally different approach to IM. My version is actually 6-track-in-one, and is more like orchestral soundtrack (except the
ending). It is also written to fit the new remake's style likewise. I always thought that IM has not the mood of "Mission: Impossible",
it is more about dramatic "rescue-the-world-otherwise-game-over"-thrill.

I like the "timed" laughing of Elvin in your track, you should make more out of it. Although I used "dressed" SID samples, cause I dont like
the raw sound of it anymore.

Re: Impossible Mission Remix + Question

Posted: 26/03/2011 - 9:40
by trace
Will be nice to hear your remix :D

Re: Impossible Mission Remix + Question

Posted: 26/03/2011 - 19:19
by Talking Air Commando
oh, I forgot to mention that another "difference" is the fact, that you actually remix Impossible Mission II here, where my track strictly
refers to the first part of the series (I never liked the second and 2025).

I believe you wont be disappointed (but I'm still waiting for an answer...)

Re: Impossible Mission Remix + Question

Posted: 31/03/2011 - 12:54
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Personally I think it's an awesome[1] tribute to Impossible Mission - but I'm not sure it belongs on RKO as the original game didn't have any music. That being said the jury is still out, so it can still swing either way.

As for stranger things happening on RKO, the only incident that I can think off is a Bart Klepka mix that stretched New Zealand Storys 6-second ditty to a full 6 minutes. Care to elaborate, Vosla? :)

[1] Pronounced with a thick Austrian accent, of course. This footnote will only make sense when people hear the track.

Re: Impossible Mission Remix + Question

Posted: 31/03/2011 - 14:57
by Mayhem
Someone took the six second ditty at the start of Toy Bizarre and stretched it out as well, but not nearly as long as six minutes...

Re: Impossible Mission Remix + Question

Posted: 01/04/2011 - 11:48
by Talking Air Commando
Jan, it's good to hear at least some response and I know it doesn't affect your or anyone's decision, but here is the list of sub-indices
so maybe it helps:

01 The Story
02 A New Mission
03 Between the Elevators
04 Into The Trap
05 Six Seconds Left
06 The Finale

Of course I cannot do it like load_error's version, cause I always wanted to give IM his own original soundtrack, therefore the vocals are
not overused across the whole track.

@ [1]: you haven't heard the Bonustrack yet, where the now 80 years old Elvin speaks for himself... :wink:

Re: Impossible Mission Remix + Question

Posted: 01/04/2011 - 19:22
by Vosla
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:As for stranger things happening on RKO, the only incident that I can think off is a Bart Klepka mix that stretched New Zealand Storys 6-second ditty to a full 6 minutes. Care to elaborate, Vosla? :)
Oh, that was just a little snap at what precious little gems happened to be on RKO once.

If a remix doesn't messily shave off your ears in an instant, it's worth a shot here on R64 and on RKO. There are a lot of people here and there actually knowing some things about music and remixes, who might be of assistance.

For stranger things - I remember the game Paradroid of having "ambiente sounds" instead of any kind of soundtrack. But there are at least three remixes on RKO.

Re: Impossible Mission Remix + Question

Posted: 01/04/2011 - 20:56
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Ah yes, Rauli's "001 goes Hmmm" version of Paradroid. Good point (... he said, while clicking the "Approve" button.)

Re: Impossible Mission Remix + Question

Posted: 02/04/2011 - 8:56
by Talking Air Commando
Thanks to All !

regarding the issues in the review:

@ Arrangement: this is only my second soundtrack attempt and I have much to learn !

@ Samples: Please read the production notes !

The Rainmaker

Re: Impossible Mission Remix + Question

Posted: 02/04/2011 - 16:50
by Vosla
Talking Air Commando wrote:Thanks to All !

regarding the issues in the review:

@ Arrangement: this is only my second soundtrack attempt and I have much to learn !

@ Samples: Please read the production notes !

The Rainmaker
Congrats on your first remix on RKO.
Stay a while... STAY FOREVER! :wink: