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rko seems a little down?

Posted: 29/10/2010 - 1:17
by Infamous
Just tried to have a look at the downloads over at and its saying the page doesnt exist? .. temporary problem i hope!.

Re: rko seems a little down?

Posted: 29/10/2010 - 23:35
by Dumper
It's fine now, it even has a couple of new tunes from you Infamous. :)

Re: rko seems a little down?

Posted: 30/10/2010 - 19:25
by SarahKreuz31
Infamous wrote:ust tried to have a look at the downloads over at and its saying the page doesnt exist?
Can`t be. I was downloading like hell yesterday. And @28th October as well.
Or it was only a short period of Time. :confusion:

Re: rko seems a little down?

Posted: 31/10/2010 - 13:21
by Ziphoid
I haven't gotten any notifications of any disturbances (yes, the server is setup with a monitoring system) so I believe it has been up all weekend.

If and when it happens again, check with some tool like to see if anyone else might have a problem with it. :)

Re: rko seems a little down?

Posted: 01/11/2010 - 5:05
by Infamous
Dumper wrote:It's fine now, it even has a couple of new tunes from you Infamous. :)
Yeah thats probably what stopped it working for me.. it was all like "YOU AGAIN?... piss off!" lol

I think it was just my interwebs being a tit to be honest but just incase i thought id ask but from now on i'll be using that link above, cheer for that john :-)

Re: rko seems a little down?

Posted: 07/11/2010 - 20:10
by Vosla
[tinfoil hat mode]... Don't worry, Infy! That's just your tax money at work to install more censorship software on ISPs and the sniffing of your network connection... You know : MP3s are crime, says RIAA... Now they are just collecting evidence, nothing to worry about YET...[/ tinfoil hat mode]


Re: rko seems a little down?

Posted: 11/11/2010 - 12:03
by merman
rko should keep taking its anti-depressants, then...