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Cauldron 909 Revolution

Posted: 29/03/2010 - 17:17
by Infamous

Something I've been playing about with for a few day's (so much for no more bloody remixes eh)

comments and easter eggs greatfully received.

Re: Cauldron 909 Revolution

Posted: 29/03/2010 - 20:56
by manganoid
NIce :) Not sure why you named it cauldron though, but nice, nevertheless :D

Re: Cauldron 909 Revolution

Posted: 29/03/2010 - 21:08
by Infamous
Well.. its technically a cauldron game.. I just sorta forgot to put the II at the end of it lol

But glad you like what I've done so far :)

Re: Cauldron 909 Revolution

Posted: 30/03/2010 - 18:12
by manganoid
Aahh, now it makes sense :) Cool RMX, so 909ish and yet catches the feel of cauldron. :D I didn't know Cauldron II was composed by Richard Joseph, to bad he passed away so soon. I was wonderin' if you could reup the mix with synth guitar you mention in the Amok's post because the link there was down. BTW, what progs do you use (DAW, vsts etc.) and could you recommend some literature for learning how to mix and master, you know, like at a noobs level?

Re: Cauldron 909 Revolution

Posted: 22/07/2010 - 5:18
by Infamous
Bit of a late answer to this one which I can only apologize for.. ive been busy and off the net for absolutely ages. Anyway the one with the rock guitars in it is sadly long gone. I still have this tune sitting on my hard drive somewere waiting to be mastered properly and uploaded which i'll probably do in september when the site comes back from holiday.

I use ableton 8 and a midi keyboard, couple of different sets of monitor speakers (one set is just a dj amp which i use to make sure theres OOMPH! in my unz :-) ) vsti wise I use loads of different ones, though the most prominent is the nexus, helix and z3ta you can't go far wrong with these, also got a bit of a softspot for the a303 vsti because it does such a fantastic job of emulating the warmth of the real thing. I also use jeskola's buzz for its internal 303 machines because they too are very authentic and you can get some fantastic results out of them.

Renoise and fruityloops also get used from time to time depending on whether i need to track something or do some live filterwork (which fruity does so well) .. what else? .. oh adobe audition is a mainstay of my "equipment" now and thats what I use to do the final mastering.

Um to answer your question about literature for mastering and production, I don't actually know and I am surprised no one else had perked up to say anything. From a personal perspective the best way to learn is to sit and persevere until it annoys you and then keep on going until you conquer it.