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ECTS 2003

Posted: 31/07/2003 - 7:31
by StudioX64
Just wondered if anyone from here was planning on going to ECTS 2003?

Posted: 05/09/2003 - 2:40
by madfiddler
Um, too late.. I did, on the Thursday.

Posted: 04/10/2003 - 13:36
by George Bray [DNA]
Hi Paul

Just noticed this thread - I was there all three days...damn....It would've been nice to meet you :)



The way you program a C64 is going to to change...Watch THIS space ;)


Posted: 14/10/2003 - 7:55
by StudioX64
George, I didn't actually make it to the event but I would have liked to :( Who knows maybe even someday we will finally meet up!! - I will get around to answering your email hopefully soon, just got back from holiday to find 3000+ emails. I think perhaps I need to install some spam frittering software.

PK [StudioX64].

Posted: 14/10/2003 - 11:32
by George Bray [DNA]
Hey Paul

Nice to hear all is well ;) I hope you had a good holiday? ;)

& 3,000 emails YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!

I look forward to hearing from you soon ;)
