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ST-01: Snare1 - it's a bass drum - the unbelievable truth!!

Posted: 11/09/2008 - 21:28
by d.a.wilson
:o OK Now I'm now totally blown away - I had a tipoff from a chap calling himself Dr_Mabuse about the original source of ST-01:Snare1 that it was derived from a bass kick on the Kawai R100 drum machine! After finding the Kawai R100 sample set on the net and then very carefully playing the samples and compairing them with ST-01:Snare1 I guessed that it might be derived from R100's Bass Drum 2 sound. On loading the two samples into Sound Forge and then, as Dr Mabuse suggested, transposing Snare1 down by about an octave, and then pushing the volume of Bass Drum 2 from the Kawai well beyond clipping and low pass filtering the hell out of it to my amazement came out a waveform almost identical to ST-01:Snare 1!!!

I wish I could show you guys just how similar these two waveforms are - if it wasn't for the fact that whatever dodgy sampler was used to make ST-01 then the two waveforms would be the same. They are not identical because the sampler used on the Amiga clearly had a major problem with sampling near DC signals thus resulting in telltail DC offset drift with samples containing lots of very low frequencies. This distortion is present in a very large amount of the ST-01 samples... which kind of adds to their character :)

Many thanks for that Dr_Mabuse - what's bothering me here is this is clearly well beyond a guess - how did he know about this??? Was he involved in making the original sample sets? Who is he anyway??? :eekout:

Re: ST-01: Snare1 - it's a bass drum - the unbelievable truth!!

Posted: 12/09/2008 - 1:43
by Analog-X64
that name sounds familiar, but the question of real or not, not sure. At least its good that they seem to know what they are talking about.

Re: ST-01: Snare1 - it's a bass drum - the unbelievable truth!!

Posted: 12/09/2008 - 23:53
by Ziphoid
Well, the reason why the name sounds familiar might be because one of the more famous versions of soundtracker were made by D.O.C = Doctorm Mabuse Orgasm Crackings... ;)

Re: ST-01: Snare1 - it's a bass drum - the unbelievable truth!!

Posted: 13/09/2008 - 14:17
by ifadeo
back in the early amiga days there was a mate who called himself dr.mabuse and was part of alpha flight... and yes, he came from duesseldorf too...;-)

Re: ST-01: Snare1 - it's a bass drum - the unbelievable truth!!

Posted: 14/09/2008 - 20:41
by Amok
Who cares? I always used Snare02... :lol:

BTT: Very interesting news... :wink:

Re: ST-01: Snare1 - it's a bass drum - the unbelievable truth!!

Posted: 15/09/2008 - 22:12
by d.a.wilson
Ahhh.. well you see ST-01:Snare2 was sampled from the infamous Linn Drum with a touch of reverb - it was used on just about every pop song in the 80's - so your choice of Snare was popular for a good reason 8)


Re: ST-01: Snare1 - it's a bass drum - the unbelievable truth!!

Posted: 15/09/2008 - 22:15
by d.a.wilson
Hi Ziphoid... the D.O.C. theory sounds plausible - I'm going to interrogate him and see if he speaks the truth... :bash:

