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Dance MF

Posted: 10/08/2007 - 19:52
by Slaygon

I got bored of being sick, so I installed Cubase and was bewildered... Then I started poking it with a stick, and this fell out:

Tell me watcha think.

Posted: 10/08/2007 - 20:53
by trace
Nice Slaygon :D

It seems like beeing sick brings out creativity. After I have had an headache I can creat some nice stuff, most of my remixes and stuff is based on a headache the same day or the day before ;)

Posted: 11/08/2007 - 2:35
by Analog-X64
You did all that while sick too!!! :D

Great job... not happy to hear you are sick.... but thats some great work.

going nutz in calgary.

Posted: 12/08/2007 - 23:08
by Slaygon
Thanks guys... :)

Trace: Yeah, but in my case I guess starting to use Cubase instead of Renoise triggered some creativity. Entirely different kind of creative process going on there to get something down in audio than using trackers. =)

Posted: 13/08/2007 - 19:02
by Sidman 64
Very nice Slaygon, nice build up :butthead: :lol:
Hope you getting better :)

Posted: 13/08/2007 - 21:01
by trace
Slaygon wrote:Thanks guys... :)

Trace: Yeah, but in my case I guess starting to use Cubase instead of Renoise triggered some creativity. Entirely different kind of creative process going on there to get something down in audio than using trackers. =)
Yeah, That is true, It's good to try other programs when the creativity is at 0% :D