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Axes Denied at Assembly 2007

Posted: 30/07/2007 - 9:12
by Rondo
Assembly Summer '07 begins on Thursday this week. If you're planning to attend, do note that there's going to be an Axes Denied concert on Friday night at 9 p.m. We're going to play an hour-long set packed with classic tracks from C64, Nintendo, Amiga and PC games, combined with a video show as always. It's going to be great fun, so don't miss it! For a little sampler check out our brand new YouTube user page; there are clips from our recent performance at the Jyrkkä \o/ festival in Pudasjärvi plus a couple of older ones from club gigs in Oulu.

Posted: 31/07/2007 - 10:07
by Sidman 64
I remember the band from the P.P.O.T Concert in Copenhagen and you performed some great tracks.
Shame can't get to see you perform again, but enjoy and maybe I will see you on you tube :D

Posted: 05/08/2007 - 1:28
by Matrix
I've only heard you guys on a short snippet of bootleg of the coenhagen concert. You REALLY need to release a CD 8)

/me makes space on the shelf.

Posted: 05/08/2007 - 22:22
by Rondo
Well, now it's all over. There was a nice crowd and we had a fantastic time. Apparently a Subway waitress asked my mates for their autographs on Saturday; I wasn't with them at the time, I had to go to my cousin's wedding. I'm somewhat envious and embittered from missing the incident, but then, I would have been a whole lot sorrier to miss the wedding. Anyway, I'm sure I danced with more girls than any of the others, and I don't think I was second to any of them in alcohol consumption either.

A visitor shot this video during our gig. It's about ten minutes long, covering the first three songs in our set: Act on Instinct (from Command & Conquer), Magical Sound Shower (from... well, you all know which game), and Turrican II. The organisers promised us a video recording of the entire show, so we may release some more clips ourselves - keep an eye on YouTube.

Posted: 08/08/2007 - 14:56
by Rondo
Hej Andreas! The cameras were indeed rolling the whole time, and we're expecting to receive a copy of the recording. It's my understanding, however, that Assembly Organizing is not going to distribute it - apparently they're somewhat sensitive about copyright issues, they didn't even air the gig on AssemblyTV. I don't think we'll release the whole thing ourselves either, but if the audio turns out to be all right, we'll see if we can agree on a few "editor's picks" to put on YouTube. There's also supposed to be a separately mixed recording of the concert audio only, so we might release some new live mp3 tracks as well.