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most creepy games

Posted: 29/07/2007 - 17:27
by xo
Hey folks. There are some creepy games out there. But also great games. Some my top creepy/cool games.

Alien vs Predator Extreme shock effects. Scary as hell.
FEAR. Psychedelic slow-downs and effects. Kick-ass awesomeness and cool story.
Half-Life. The first one was scary. The second one was cool as well, but went in a completely different direction.
Max Payne. This game has some of the most intense mood setting I've ever seen. And very successful story telling.

Looking forward to

FEAR successor and expansion packs.
Alan Wake

Posted: 30/07/2007 - 3:57
by Scyphe
All those games kicked ass and the successor of FEAR (not the official sequel being made by a different team) will surely create a billion goosebumps when it's released. System Shock 2 is missing from that list though.

One game I'm looking forward to (well, I'm looking forward to a whole bunch of games, like Bioshock, Crysis, Hellgate: London etc.) is Black Mesa. It's a response to the abysmal Half Life: Source. A team of programmers, level builders, graphic artists & musicians are recreating Half Life 1 using the Half Life 2 engine, and from what I've seen it's looking amazing. And the music they're going to use (playable on their page) is exceptional.

Check it out, it's going to be a really cool "mod".

Posted: 30/07/2007 - 6:29
by tas
Looking forward to Jane Jenson's (Gabriel Knight Series) Gray Matter. I just love a great storyline in games and they don't get much better than Jane Jenson.

Posted: 30/07/2007 - 8:10
by Tonka
Silent Hill 1 - creepiest game in the world EVER! SH3 I had to give up on in the end - it just freaked me out too much... Pure sickness and horror! :shock:

I also remember crapping myself in Resident Evil 1 where you kill a big spider and then hundreds of little spiders jump out and attack you! :argh:

Oh and the bit in the gallery with the crows! Cool!

And let's not forget the dungeon level on The Last Ninja (but that's mainly down to the music)!

Posted: 30/07/2007 - 8:46
by Romeo Knight
Resident Evil 2 on N64 was the most scariest for me. I almost fainted when one of those 4-legged creatures with the long tongue (no, it wasn't Slaygon) jumped at me through a mirror!

I finished Half-Life 2 Episode 1 yesterday - HL seems to be the most believable game world to date. I hope there's gonna be a good HL movie some day.
And I loved the Bungie stuff, Marathon, Halo and Myth I & II!

Re: most creepy games

Posted: 30/07/2007 - 9:39
by Makke
When I was really young, Forbidden Forest scared the living crap out of me! Much thanks to the top music. The scariest game that I remember after that is Alone in the Dark 1 and 2. Really great atmosphere!

I've not played that many scary games in later years. I have yet to play the Silent Hill games. I've not had time to do so yet, but I'm looking forward to doing so.
xo wrote:Alien vs Predator Extreme shock effects. Scary as hell.
Oh yeah! Playing human was scary as all hell-fire!

Posted: 30/07/2007 - 10:08
by Analog-X64
For me it had to be.

Silent Hill for the Playstation one..

Posted: 30/07/2007 - 13:21
by Max Levin
Romeo Knight wrote:Myth I & II!
HYEEEAH! :D Not that they're more horror than Evil Dead: Army of Darkness but they deserve every single attention to redeem their overlooked-status(the interface needs no salute however) so: HYEEEAH again!
Mentioned earlier in this thread is System Shock 2, another overlooked game which has got some attention lately due to Ken Levines' upcoming release Bio Shock. The moment the main character wakes up onboard starship Rickenbacker you're IN the game! If you stopped playing games since the old c64 went up on the attic, then think Project Firestart.
Everytime the same thing happens, I sit there three inches from the monitor with the look on my face like that guy in Starship Troopers who get's his brains sucked out. You can summarize the game like that, it sucks your brains out deeming you unable to care about real-life dangers such as self-starvation(well, till the moment oral-odor makes you snap out of it like a wiff of smelling salt) cause it doesn't hurt as much as having your scull rasped by a mere face-slap from a cyborg midwife! When stuff like this happends you'll pay all your attention to the sound of footsteps echoing through the many halls, along with the faint groaning of some thing mentioning "Something's... out of place" referring to you solely.

Posted: 30/07/2007 - 13:56
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Alone in the Dark 1 on the PC was pretty effing scary, but nothing has creeped me out like Project Zero on the PS2. Heck, I don't even like to play it in broad daylight.

Posted: 30/07/2007 - 14:25
by xo
Lest we forget.

Friday the 13th on the C64. 8)

Resident Evil was cool. I played the first one and maybe one of the successors.

Posted: 30/07/2007 - 14:37
by merman
Project Firestart is creepy and atmospheric.
The xenomorph racing at you and the monitor going blank in Aliens by Electric Dreams is a great moment.

But the first game that made me really jump out of my skin was Rescue on Fractalus... the first time an alien jumped in front of the cockpit, I nearly hit my head on the ceiling!

Posted: 30/07/2007 - 16:35
by dan gillgrass
The first Silent Hill and Resident Evil games for sure and dont forget Doom 3, the whole torch on/off thing is brutal

Posted: 30/07/2007 - 18:16
by tas
How could i forget silent hill!?!? There's some haunting music in those games, I can't now remember which silent hill it was but i do recall seeing a girl who died and the lyrics and music which went with that gave me the chills!

I've never cared much for the graphic style but it certainly has a wonderful (if i may say wonderful) feel about it that puts you on edge. Not really scarey but somehow a little bit un-nearving. The japaneese seriously know how to make a good atmosphere thats for sure!

If we go back to the C64 then the first and only game on that machine that gave me a funny feeling was "Castle of Terror" by Melbourne house. The game wasn't that great and was pretty easy but the music to that game really woke up the senses. One of the greatest, and most under-rated collection of music i've come across! Brennen certainly knew how to create an atmosphere!

Posted: 31/07/2007 - 7:50
by Romeo Knight
Max Levin wrote: (The Myth games by Bungie)...they deserve every single attention to redeem their overlooked-status
Yeah! Whenever I tried to talk about those games people were going like "ah...Myst?!" :? . Bungie was number one in terms of setting the gamer in the right mood, the music and voice recordings were brillant to the max and the narrator of Myth made me goosebumps!
Myth II:Soulblighter
Unfortunately can't find a video with the narrator of Myth:The Fallen Lords, he sounded even more massive AFAIR.

And then....Bill Gates bought Bungie...... :frustration:

Posted: 31/07/2007 - 11:12
by Scyphe
Max Levin wrote:
Romeo Knight wrote:Myth I & II!
HYEEEAH! :D Not that they're more horror than Evil Dead: Army of Darkness but they deserve every single attention to redeem their overlooked-status(the interface needs no salute however) so: HYEEEAH again!
Mentioned earlier in this thread is System Shock 2, another overlooked game which has got some attention lately due to Ken Levines' upcoming release Bio Shock. The moment the main character wakes up onboard starship Rickenbacker you're IN the game! If you stopped playing games since the old c64 went up on the attic, then think Project Firestart.
Everytime the same thing happens, I sit there three inches from the monitor with the look on my face like that guy in Starship Troopers who get's his brains sucked out. You can summarize the game like that, it sucks your brains out deeming you unable to care about real-life dangers such as self-starvation(well, till the moment oral-odor makes you snap out of it like a wiff of smelling salt) cause it doesn't hurt as much as having your scull rasped by a mere face-slap from a cyborg midwife! When stuff like this happends you'll pay all your attention to the sound of footsteps echoing through the many halls, along with the faint groaning of some thing mentioning "Something's... out of place" referring to you solely.
Someone should write a book on System Shock 2 and the psychology behind it. The eerie loneliness and the way you hear audio logs from crew you know are dead, it's brilliant. It's so atmospheric and scary at times that lights may need to be turned on at times. And it's tense. You never know exactly what will happen, and the apprehension you feel while walking around in a huge city sized spaceship is amazing. The audio logs is what pulls the story and you almost get to know the people that made the recordings before the game even begins. You're just picking up after everything went wrong. Bio Shock is a spiritual successor in that the premise is similar (you enter an underwater city that was built as a utopia for the smart and wealthy that dreamed of a better life separated from the worldy mess. Something went wrong and then you come along to explore what went wrong. And you're not alone there).

It's going to be my birthday present to myself, a collectors box of Bio Shock. :)