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Danish podcast featuring SIDs, remixes, and yours truly

Posted: 04/01/2007 - 23:05
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Danish podcaster Karin Høgh just published the latest of her "Podjournalen" shows, which features yours truly talking about the C64, the SID, Rob, Martin, Wobbler, Infamous, Makke, Visa Röster and the fact that I have yet to hear a SID turned into a blues arrangement.

The catch is that it's in Danish, but even if you don't understand a word of it you should still be able enjoy the choons.

Find it at - the MP3 link is very well hidden (especially if you don't know the language) - it's the "her" one in the 3rd paragraph next to the picure of yours truly in the Casa Kwed studio.

Okay, so it doesn't have the reach of PPOT or Visa Röster being on primetime Danish national radio, but still... :D