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Who changed the water in the SLAYQuarium?!

Posted: 04/01/2007 - 16:41
by n3mo
Well... I did... :]

Hey all!!!

It has been a helluva loong time since I've been inhere...
Things has happend in the mean(-)time though....

Well, it all started a couple of months ago, back in lil' Denmark...
It was a dull day, and someone had taken a piss in the 'qarium..
So I went to look around for new placetobe's,
where better else to do, than the internet.. Heh... :)

Faith saw it coming that I found my way to Sweden
(or at least an job application-form to get there!)..
Thought I had to try this out.. Support Business.. "Mmm.. Yeah, I can do that.. " I thought.. So...
Called the Boss monday, sent the application tuesday, and he called back wednesday,
to tell that the job was mine if wanted it (hell yeah!) and when I could be there.
My my.. On my way to Sweden now.. And then approx 400km north of Stockholm too!

I thought, as usual, what the hell am I going to do upthere!
Way up high in Sweden, and see the swedish forest cows run around..
Hear'em??? (... møøse! møøse!) Aaanyways....

Then I packed my stuff together. Made the move (and the 13 hour train ride uphere),
and still it took a helluva loong time before I could get online... And when I finally came online, I had to suffer from lower conn,
than I had back in Denmark... Riiiight, I thought.. But twas good nuff...
Welcome to 8/1 instead of 10/10...
So welcome to my SLAYQuariums new PlaceToBe...
Right here in the middle of Sweden.. Where I now spend my time
helping "happy" people to get their gear to work properly!
Ahh.. Support business... Yah... :]
(And where time nearly stands still... So does their internet connections :P)

Been living here since October now..
And with three months of experience of Sweden now...
Will I succeed to get used to it uphere...?
I think I'll get used to it in the end... :lol:

Just wanted to cast a few credits around though, before I find my way back to my castle...

To ALL which I may have forgotten to celebrate!!
Which are approximately ALOT! Oh well, if you find a spare moment
to be crazy enough to come all the way uphere for a late celebration,
then msg me, and we'll figure something out..
Got lots of space in the SLAYQuarium anyways! :lol:

Can't help but say, The 'Scene is a place to be.. Great guys, gal's and extremely great music!!
Ye be many on the 'Scene! Yaarh! Be composing Lad's!! :D

*Swims around in fast circles, smiling, and having fun in the SLAYQuarium,
swims into the castle again, where SceneMusic is playing out loud,
and the psychedelic demo-lights flashes out the castle...* Ohhh... The waves.....

Good people of Sweden and the World..

I Salute Ye!!!
Be blessed all!! :D

Greets n3mo :mrgreen:

Oh, oh.. I'm an Alien, I'm a Legal Alien,
I'm a Danish Man in the World....

Posted: 04/01/2007 - 18:19
by Vosla
I'm quite happy for you that you are happy there and I wish I had some of the happy stuff you are obviously happy on, too! :lol: :wink:

Nice you dropped some lines, a belated Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year to you! :D

Posted: 04/01/2007 - 20:04
by leoni
Hey n3mo! Was great meating you during the weekend of New Year :D

Wanna bid you welcome to Sweden and Have a great stay!

Posted: 04/01/2007 - 21:24
by Analog-X64
Good to hear you are having dont be shy and visit often.

Posted: 05/01/2007 - 12:52
by Misser
Hi Michael,

A bit late also but good and healthy swimming in the new aquarium. It was really nice to have you show up at John's place even if it was just for a few hours. To bad about the car on the way back.

*hug* and i'll see if i can find you a nice pond for the castle soonish :0


Posted: 11/01/2007 - 18:41
by trace
Hey Welcome to sweden, where to? :D