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Commodore Team Needed for RV2007

Posted: 10/11/2006 - 21:17
by RetroMarkie
Greetz Guys!

As many of you now know RV2007 is in the planning ... and we are at the point of thinking about exactly *What* we want playing ...

Now RV has always stood for the history of play so we have all the new stuff but what I need is a Commodore area!

Think you can help? Whats needed?

is for you to be able to supply maybe 3-5 machines (and monitors or TV's) and be able to arrive at the start of the Friday (11th May) to end of business on Saturday night.

Those willing to assist will of course have free entry for the whole weekend + pints! and enjoy the rest of the weekend at the International Llamasoft RV Jolly thing ...

Have a think and lemme know ... email is interested.

