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Episode #025: The SIDelicious Special

Posted: 02/04/2006 - 20:49
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Wahey! It's the big two-five anniversary. Go to to join me for an all-SIDs episode featuing some of my favorite tunes, recorded directly from the C64 sound chip. I also manage to catch up on news and feedback.

Standard-how-to-tune-in information: No, you don't need iTunes or an iPod to listen to it - the MP3 is directly available from the show site or via the podcast RSS feed if you prefer to having an irregular dose remixes delivered straight to your speakers. If you're using iTunes click here to go to the subscribtion page. iTunes subscribers who haven’t been automatically moved to the new feed should unsubscribe and re-subscribe using the 1-click iTunes link on the show site. People using other readers who're still stuck on the old feed should resubscribe as well, as that will put you on the new feed.

Posted: 03/04/2006 - 19:03
by the_JinX
This episode is atleast as good as the previous..
For some reason those just stay on my mp3 player till the next episode apears..

Kida offtopic I'm using my own rss feed downloader alpha crap thingy I'm working on called (SPAM)SwarmTv(SPAM)..

Posted: 04/04/2006 - 11:37
by Makke
Excellent! I shall have a listen while cramming for the TCP/IP-exam.

Posted: 04/04/2006 - 23:57
by tony.rc
My favourite David Whittaker sid has gotta be Glider Rider or is that Knight Games or Elektra Glide. Now that I think about it I've got no clue.

Nice choice of SIDs! Jan, your stuff ups are always funny.
When I heard "Mutants" it made me think of what a great bloke Fred Grey is!

Posted: 05/04/2006 - 7:32
by Waz
tony.rc wrote: When I heard "Mutants" it made me think of what a great bloke Fred Grey is!
Having met him several times, I can vouch for that. Had a great time with him and your local friendly C64 Takeaway host seeing some live comedy at The Comedy Store in Manchester some time back, great stuff all round.

Posted: 05/04/2006 - 7:58
by Chris Abbott
Waz wrote:
tony.rc wrote: When I heard "Mutants" it made me think of what a great bloke Fred Grey is!
Having met him several times, I can vouch for that. Had a great time with him and your local friendly C64 Takeaway host seeing some live comedy at The Comedy Store in Manchester some time back, great stuff all round.
Have you heard from Fred recently? He's completely off my radar...
