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Episode #019 available

Posted: 20/12/2005 - 16:04
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Mellow and chilled show this time around, with a nice accoustic/orchestral selection to fit in your christmas stocking.

As usual, the MP3 is directly grabbable from (no, you don't need an iPod to listen to it) or via the podcast RSS feed. If you're using iTunes click here to go to the subscribtion page.

Feedback most welcome, as usual.

Posted: 23/12/2005 - 15:35
by Phantom66uk
Thanks for the update! However could you possibly raise the level on your microphone / overall levels as I tend to listen to your shows with the volume level raised right up and then when I switch to other music it comes blasting out of my speakers :P

Wishing you a Happy Christmas & New Year :D

Posted: 23/12/2005 - 16:35
by merman
Thanks for the mention, Jan! Have a merry Christmas!

Posted: 23/12/2005 - 16:59
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Phantom66uk wrote:However could you possibly raise the level on your microphone / overall levels as I tend to listen to your shows with the volume level raised right up and then when I switch to other music it comes blasting out of my speakers :P
Show #19 is quieter than usual vocal-wise on purpose as I didn't really want to spoil the mood of it by doing an all-singing-all-dancing voiceover. As for the overall levels those haven't been changed since the initial calibration for the very first show and again before show 8 when I got the new microphone-setup. Maybe it's the rest of your collection that needs normalizing. :D

Posted: 10/01/2006 - 2:23
by phil
Guten Tag Jan,

Great issue again !!! keep up the brilliant work!
best regards
phil | how you pronounced:
"Das Karl Werk Projekt - Elektro Lok - Allgemeine Frequenz"


Posted: 12/01/2006 - 10:02
by rave
Hi there, Just wanted to say that your show is great, and gives me something to look forward to as i listen to it on my way to work. I want to thank you for playing the comic bakery remix in episode 13, man that tune rocks! And i must say your english is 100 times better than my Dansk! Also i have done a little remixing of my own, i know you only do C64 and i do still have mine! but this is a remix of the theme from the game gods on the Amiga 500,'s%2 ... 0Remix.mp3 but hey they from the same family right! Keep up the good work and i look forward to your next show. Hej Hej,

Kai in the UK

Posted: 14/01/2006 - 10:01
by Jax
I'm also loving the podcasts - it's a bit weird getting used to hearing somebody actually 'talking' about the scene, but it's kinda cool hearing a bit of background - it adds personality. Without meaning to sound rude or cheeky, it has a bit of an amateur/enthusiast feel about it.

Like I say, I'm not meaning to be rude - it just means you come across as the kind of guy I'd chat with in a pub over a beer and a game of pool :D

If only pub jukeboxes had C64 remixes on them :D

Keep up the excellent work :D

Looking forward to #20 :D


(I previewed before submitting and I thought "Wow - too many smilies - what the hell - it's a happy post :D")

Posted: 17/01/2006 - 8:00
by Vosla
A good show... as usual! :D
Your shows begin to put a strain on my data storage capacities! :lol: