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Radio Show Idea #6 - Embarrassments

Posted: 28/02/2004 - 22:43
by Chris Abbott
Heh, it's not what you think. The idea of this show is to highlight tunes which we like, but which the people who composed them don't. For instance, Rob Hubbard doesn't like Lightforce, Star Paws, I-Ball, and doesn't much like Knucklebusters either. Martin Galway doesn't like Athena and was disappointed by Insects in Space, and doesn't think too much of the Green Beret title tune. Fred Gray hates his Transformers cover. Also, Sam Fox Strip Poker, Loco, Bjerregaard's Comets cover (which he said he wasn't too proud of in an email to me once), IK+ (which Rob doesn't remember even doing!), Mega A (likes Comets much better), and almost anything from Dave Whittaker ;-) (he's on record as saying he's not too impressed with most of his back catalogue) Plus any of Cooksey's early work (same reason).

Reasons for being disappointed include:

1) Just done for the money
2) Lack of time
3) Lack of memory
4) Too hard to do
5) Too ambitious
6) Too early in career
