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Sidplay 2/w issues

Posted: 27/01/2004 - 16:23
by Feekzoid

Downloaded Sidplay 2 for windows yesterday for my laptop, and was vexxed by a few things.

Filter emulation seems... odd. Its not playing tunes how I remember them, certainly not how I remember, or liked. The filter is also not configurable. I cant access the mixer either.

Also, my *own* digisid pieces.. the samples are playing out of sync!

Whats going on?

Posted: 27/01/2004 - 17:08
by Larsec
I have never been able to get SidPlay2 to sound remotely as good as V1... I have no idea why though...

Re: Sidplay 2/w issues

Posted: 27/01/2004 - 18:52
by ice00
Feekzoid wrote: Filter emulation seems... odd. Its not playing tunes how I remember them, certainly not how I remember, or liked. The filter is also not configurable. I cant access the mixer either.
Filter is the part of resid engine that are not so good emulated due to non-linearity of filter
Feekzoid wrote: Also, my *own* digisid pieces.. the samples are playing out of sync!
Whats going on?
Try to use vsid (of vice emulator). I find it actually better in playing RSID files instead of libsidplay2.

Posted: 27/01/2004 - 20:48
by Matrix
Sidplay2 is crap imho - BUT the one on my phone is ...... PERFIK !

Posted: 27/01/2004 - 20:59
by skitz
Matrix wrote:Sidplay2 is crap imho - BUT the one on my phone is ...... PERFIK !
What phone is that?

Posted: 27/01/2004 - 21:47
by Matrix
Its an Orange SPV : ... 0/features

A very underrated phone imho ... playes movies n all sorts a stuff, top stuff m8 - amazed ppl still have nokia's with these things available.

Even more amazed WAP is still considered ok for mobile internetm this baby does full www browsing and a shedload more ...... including sidplay :) - go bag yaself one from ebay ... heres a search. Dont worry about software, ill kit u out :) , youll prolly need a big SD card too, i use a 256 meg on mine, loadsa films, games, tools, mp3's, sids, photos etc etc etc loadsa room. Had it with me at the last Bitlive ... Plug a cassette converter into it and BOOM ...... IN CAR SIDS for 8 HOURS NON STOP BABY WOOHOOO !! - Well, that and amiga mods..... and remix mp3's Ahem'

Posted: 27/01/2004 - 22:03
by tas
I just want to make phone calls ;)

Posted: 27/01/2004 - 23:21
by Matrix
In that case - wanna buy a 2nd hand Nokia 7110 :D (DA MATRIX FONE)

Re: Sidplay 2/w issues

Posted: 28/01/2004 - 10:35
by Waz
Feekzoid wrote:Filter emulation seems... odd. Its not playing tunes how I remember them, certainly not how I remember, or liked. The filter is also not configurable. I cant access the mixer either.
Also, my *own* digisid pieces.. the samples are playing out of sync!
Let me see..

Firstly, the filter emulation isn't always as you would like it. Remember that on a 6581, there's up to 20% filter variation, which as yet you can't amend to your liking in Windows (you can do in the MacOS version). I might have to jot a reminder down to the Sidplay2/w author about that.

It's always going to be a tentative issue to do with the filters anyway. Sidplay1 wasn't that great with the 6581 filters either. For some reason the 8580 seems easier to emulate.

As for your own digi pieces, have you got the latest HVSC (5.5)? I know that in recent updates, proper real C64 compatible rips have appeared alongside the old _PSID versions - you might want to play these real ones and see what happens. Put it this way: they work on a real C64 when I ripped and tested them and the newest Sidplay2/w on my PC does them okay.

If it's particular ones that are going AWOL, drop me a line.

Posted: 28/01/2004 - 10:39
by Waz
Matrix wrote:Sidplay2 is crap imho
No, it is not.

First off: it's still in development (which means there's still more things to be fixed)

Second: it's a much more C64 compliant player (therefore if a rip doesn't work on a real C64, it won't work on Sidplay2). The HVSC team have been beavering away fixing offending rips where possible, hence the considerable number of fixes in the last few updates. Being more C64 compliant as a player is a good thing.

Third: rather than just say "it's crap" please explains the reasons why you think this is so, and maybe even drop the Sidplay2 emulation engine author, Simon White, a line with your thoughts (keep them reasonably clean though). After all, without constructive feedback, these things can't be improved.

Or are you too used to the sound of Sidplay1? In that case, compare Jeff's "Euro-Dance" tune (/VARIOUS/G-L/Jeff/Euro_Dance.sid) with Sidplay1 and the latest Sidplay2/w. There's no comparison. Sidplay2/w plays it much more like the real C64 (and I've compared it with a real thing too) whereas Sidplay1 plays notes _out of tune!_

Posted: 28/01/2004 - 14:17
by Matrix
Ok, not to rain on ur parade, i wrote "IMHO" that means as i see it, not a global opinion im trying to enforce and 2) i just dont like the sound of it compared to version 1 - hence my comment.

I fully appreciate that ppl are working on it and i appreciate the effort that goes into these projects,and i hope - at some point, it will be better sounding than version 1 which should always be the aim when creating a sequel; to better the version before it.

My appologies if that wasnt clear in my original statement. Kudos to the team.

Example of Crap ..... ORIG- Star Wars SEQU- Ep 1
(Sry Jar-Jar) lol ....

Posted: 28/01/2004 - 14:47
by CraigG
wazzaw wrote:Or are you too used to the sound of Sidplay1?
I'm guessing this will be the case for many, just as a lot of Windows users got used to crappy palettes in C64 emulators and then slated Timmerman's effort.