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Turrican 2 - Retro Space Mix

Posted: 10/12/2003 - 20:50
by GeckoYamori ... %20Mix.mp3

Just submitted this, hope it gets added. It's pretty similiar to Super Ficial's version, but I first heard his version after I started working on mine. I worked a bit different this time, using Cool Edit for mastering.

Posted: 11/12/2003 - 10:41
by merman
Nice remix, Gecko.

Posted: 15/12/2003 - 15:08
by SelectaNovel
Nicely produced, but I don't dig the electronica style too much. And the beat is quite boring...only bum chack bum chack with some fills. But at 2:11 the song get thicker suddenly...guess this is because of the hihat you neglect before.
All in all, way too close to the original and too straight.
And too retro. :twisted: