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So what do you think?

Posted: 02/12/2003 - 23:30
by Razmo
Hi Everyone! :D

My latest tune is out, what do you think? (Action Biker)
I want some honest feedback, and if there is anything "negative", then come on with it! ... If I'm not told when I'm doin' something wrong, I cannot get any better which is my intension (is it not everyones?).

I've been listening to my tune again, and dam'n if I did not just find out that I actually forgot to put a crash cymbal in there!!! ... hmmm...
It's a rather weird style I guess, but I read that hubbard thought that the games company wanted a sweet tune, so I tried to capture that feelin' Maybe the tune is also a bit too long (?)

Posted: 02/12/2003 - 23:49
by Chris Abbott
It is indeed weird: the last half actually becomes kind of Jarre-y to my ears. I just wish the main tune and chords were 100% right though: it ruins my enjoyment of the (nice) cover with them: for instance, the second note of Action Biker is one semitone down from the start note, not two semitones: and those chords at 1:38 are wrong. Nitpicking, I know. And at 1:46 and especially between 1:51 to 1:54. The notes at 3:17 too.

Fix those and this would be indeed a nice cover of one of my favourite tunes (though I still prefer the relatively short title theme, which has some really nice countermelodies).


Posted: 03/12/2003 - 0:06
by Razmo
Thanx Chris! :O)

It's nice to get some constructive critisism... thank you!
The 1 semitone prob. is absolutely correct. I doubble checked by listening to the original. The reason for this is simply that I did not listen to the original when I made this tune. I simply remembered the notes incorrectly. The chords are wrong, and I knew that after listening to the song some times, but I just could not get them right. I messed with that part for ages, and probably listened to it so much that the prob. tricked me into believing it was the right notes. Hubbard chords can be a bit of a nightmare to make, and I do not use SID2MIDI unless I'm 110% certain I cannot do them myself (like One Man and his Droid!).

Thanx again... :O)

Posted: 03/12/2003 - 0:27
by Chris Abbott
Hubbard chords can be a bit of a nightmare to make, and I do not use SID2MIDI unless I'm 110% certain I cannot do them myself (like One Man and his Droid!).
Actually, SID2MIDI wouldn't help much, because the chords aren't in the file (it's only a two voice tune). So you have to infer them. It's amazing that Rob manages to trick us into hearing the chords in the original _with just two voices_. Incredible.


Posted: 03/12/2003 - 0:37
by Razmo
Did not even realize it was a two voice tune until I listened (again). He tricks us into hearing the chords because the two sounds playing a very much alike, and when the bass and lead plays the way they do it sounds like chords as you say... wether that was intentional or pure coincidence, I'll let rob about answering! :O)

And about the chords being wrong, and me having such a hard time getting them right suddenly seem quite logical. If there was no real chords they HAD to be wrong!... I actually was tempted to rip my hair when doin' those chords cause no matter what I did, it just sounded wrong (or rather unaccurate). My bassline is different than robs which is pretty much the reason for this.

Posted: 03/12/2003 - 8:33
by Chris Abbott
Actually, there ARE right chords for this: in fact, my own Action Biker remix on RKO has them. But yes, Rob was VERY clever.


Posted: 03/12/2003 - 10:09
by merman
Overall, it's pretty good. As Chris said, the second half is very Jarrey. And it does drag a little towards the end, although I liked the chord sequence at around 4:30.

I think the ultimate Action Biker cover would probably segue nicely into Kick Start, so some nice engine revving sounds at the start, a bit of Action Biker, a razmo style segue into Kick Start, and then back again to finish...

Posted: 06/12/2003 - 13:36
by Kenz
I found this to be a darned nice remix - and as a non-musician I couldn't spot any obvious wrong notes. Very nice indeedy. (Plus you get bonus points for the Jarrey bits!) :D

Posted: 06/12/2003 - 17:45
by Razmo
Thank you Kenz! :O)

Just wait till you hear my next remix of Galways Terra Cresta!
I'm pretty pleased with it so far, though it will NOT be Jarrey! ;O)
The last two pieces from me has been very much old-school electronic in flavour, but my strength lies with Techno, Trance, Goa and all other up-tempo types of music. Also, I've made the Terra Cresta remix a 4/4 song instead of the original 3/4 (so you don't have to walse to it ! ;O)