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More bad news.....

Posted: 28/11/2003 - 10:09
by Sonic Wanderer
Not as serious as some other people's events in the scene, but still.....

My depression from last year has come back and is growing. My back has started to fail me, and my doctor has ordered me to start stimulating activities. This includes not sitting in front of the computer all day on a chair, since it hurt my back even more.
Thus my participation in remixing will be severely degraded over the next months. Exactly how long? Only time will tell.
I'll surely sit here from time to time, but not enough to actively do anything within short timespans.
Hope you other guys keep puching your awesome work out there in the meantime. You'll still have my Wrath Of The Demon remix to vote for when it hits the RKO public area. =)
Probably my last remix this year.
Let's hope this doesn't become an annual event for me...... it's not fun at all.
Until next time, cheers!!!

Posted: 28/11/2003 - 10:17
by merman
Hey Sony, I know what you are going through. Been suffering depression for years. You can pull through it, and THANK YOU for all your excellent remix work - it brightens up my day.

Posted: 28/11/2003 - 10:43
by tas
huh, Sonic, merman, me,larsec and i know more....All suffering with depression. chirst, it makes you think doesn't it!

Wish you well Sonic and keep yer chin up aye.


Posted: 28/11/2003 - 11:01
by ifadeo
sonic, my best wishes... and come back soon with your great remixes...
they will be missed....

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 28/11/2003 - 11:28
by Chris Abbott
> huh, Sonic, merman, me,larsec and i know more....
> All suffering with depression. chirst, it makes you think doesn't it!

I'm beginning to think that part of the reason this scene is so creative is that it's full of artistic bipolar depressives... we suffer for our art, don't we?


Posted: 28/11/2003 - 11:39
by trace
Our heads, fingers and backs are probably the most precious things :)
If one fails we can't do music, well maybe :) hehe

Get well dude :)

Posted: 28/11/2003 - 12:00
by ifadeo
Chris Abbott wrote:> huh, Sonic, merman, me,larsec and i know more....
> All suffering with depression. chirst, it makes you think doesn't it!

I'm beginning to think that part of the reason this scene is so creative is that it's full of artistic bipolar depressives... we suffer for our art, don't we?

doing some music and graphics makes me happy, my daughter and
my wife are the sunshine of my life... without this i maybe got depressive
too... but i'm an optimistic guy, who always look forward... :wink:

thank god, i've got no depression... but my grandfather was driven to
suicide by depression a few years ago, he waste his youth in wwII and
in a russian pow-camp for 10 years....i think that's the reason why he
got depession... :cry:


Posted: 28/11/2003 - 12:29
by XGener8or
SuperCow wrote: Do a lot of sex!
There's a problem with getting to that part :lol: But I'm not depressed, heheh. Some day... :wink:

Posted: 28/11/2003 - 12:50
by Maindrian
Hey, you have my sympathies Sonic. Depression is a bitch.

Mine comes and goes. Sometimes I'll get up and feel on top of the world, other days I'll wish I had never gotten up at all. At the worst, my depression manifests in huge screaming temper tantrums over the smallest thing. I've been in and out of therapy, doctors and mental health clinics quite a bit recently. I have been told that I should use anti-depressants, but I don't want to. I dont like the idea of going on pills.

But please don't let me put you under the impression that I'm some suicidal maniac. As are bad times, so there are good. Its always a joy to go out, watch a movie. Maybe see a few mates, go get drunk... The usual.

You'll get through it pal. If you ever meet anybody who tells you he's never been depressed in his life, slap the bugger will you?

Re: More bad news.....

Posted: 28/11/2003 - 13:30
by arvirus
all the best for you, sonic! looking forward to hear new stuff from you next year!


Posted: 28/11/2003 - 18:22
by Waz
Chris Abbott wrote:I'm beginning to think that part of the reason this scene is so creative is that it's full of artistic bipolar depressives
Funny you should mention that. One of my favourite real music artists, the utterly gorgeous and talented Kristin Hersh (ex- of Throwing Muses, nowadays solo) makes some wonderfully great music, often with just the acoustic guitar. And she has bipolar disorder.

Run to the shops and buy Kristin Hersh's "The Grotto" on CD as soon as. It's a superb piece of work and an extremely intense listen.

Back Attack

Posted: 28/11/2003 - 18:30
by Shinobi221
I think it happens to us all. once we hit our mid twenties the back starts to kick off. I did mine in true homer style rocking a drinks machine at work. Doctor didn't seem to understand either? :? As for depression. X wife took me to the cleaners too. But Im sure the rest is good for you. I guess you will probabily use your time for other creative things. A man of many talents if your remixes are anything to go by. Anyway I hear those Swedish massurs work wonders :wink:

Posted: 28/11/2003 - 19:15
by tas
It's no good tellin people with clinical depression to be happy or go out an enjoy yourself, cos it simply doesn't work like that. There's Depression (Feeling grumpy and sad) and there's DEPRESSION!!!

Those who have ever had DEPRESSION know just how much it can destroy you. It's a terrible thing! It's a condition thats simply not understood. To be honest, before i started suffering i just thought it's a condition where you feel under the weather and very low. In reality it's far far far worse.