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Posted: 04/06/2003 - 14:52
by arvirus
Lars wrote: This really makes me headbanging: Hubbard, Galway, Daglish, Whittaker, Maniacs of Noise are the CLASSICS of the C64 composers, there's no doubt about it. So for myself it's really obvious that all there tracks are Classics too. That's a (definately 90%) interconnection.
no, it's not! you mean ALL the tracks by the above named composers are classics? i can't agree with you here! just because some songs by the beatles are classics, all of them are? just because some movies with al pacino are classics all movies with al pacino are classics? think about it!
Lars wrote: Since HVSC and SIDPLAY i know nearly every track from the composers who are in the top directory.
congratulations, man! :wink:
Lars wrote:Do you ? Perhaps you should ask yourself if you are a real SID freak , no offense though :wink:
my simple answer is: no. i never said that i am a "sid freak" and i never wanted to be.
this disussion is NOT about knowing all the sids but about classics.

Posted: 04/06/2003 - 15:02
by CraigG
I have to agree with the 'classics' point. To my mind, only a few tracks on the CD approach that space (in terms of both composition and nostalgia): Spellbound and Shades in particular, but perhaps also Parallax and Stormlord, albeit in a less 'pop' way than the likes of Monty, Sanxion, et al. However, as I've already said on this thread, I couldn't really give two hoots about whether these are so-called classic tracks when the results are so good...

Posted: 04/06/2003 - 15:13
by Chris Abbott
When I talked about marketing, I was talking about how to put the CD across to the remix community, not anything wider.

Future press coverage includes SuperPlay (again) and Games TM, BTW. I'll hopefully manage to shoehorn some R64 vol 2 coverage in there too.
Neil, did you announce already your independence on the CD?

And it doesn't really matter what we say here: the vast majority of SID
fans aren't musicians, aren't here, and don't really go to RKO regularly.
I think Arvid is pretty representative of that majority, and frankly, we're
not, being weird musician and creative types (although Arvid is an
extremely creative type, being a DJ and brilliant artist... but I still
think he's representative of the great majority...).

Anyway, people will buy what they're excited by, and won't buy what
they're not excited by. Different people are excited by different things,
and you don't really know until you release something. That's pretty
much the end of this and any similar thread :)


Posted: 04/06/2003 - 16:54
by Lars
arvirus wrote: no, it's not! you mean ALL the tracks by the above named composers are classics? i can't agree with you here! just because some songs by the beatles are classics, all of them are? just because some movies with al pacino are classics all movies with al pacino are classics? think about it!
Hmm, this may be a long discussion and some things you say are right. Anyway I think that the nostalgia factor depends on the stuff you had been faced up with. That's very individual, so I am still on the opinion I was before. I meant not all but 90% stuff of the all time hero composers had been spreaded a lot in demos, intros etc. So I rate them as classics like I do with game musics where the game was a topseller.
arvirus wrote: i never said that i am a "sid freak" and i never wanted to be
You are right and after I read Chris last post I may be different to the majority. :roll: --- (but I am happy with)

Anyway let's stop here after Chris' (totally true) AMEN !


Posted: 04/06/2003 - 17:05
by tas
it's a very hard thing to say, who likes what and what is to be considered as a classic. I think Barbarian is a classic myself, but obviously some don't. It's very personal i suppose.

We have a reasonable understanding about this comunity and RKO, but the everday non musician, we have little clue about. We have no idea what they want from a CD.

R64 V2 will appeal to those who have no idea of what the scene is about, getting to them is a different matter completely, but at the same time we havn't strayed too far away from the beaten path to alienate the nostalgia peeps either. It's a very subtle balance really.

basically the CD should be liked by people who know the originals aswell as those who don't. It's more musically intune i suppose. Pure Nostalgia wasn't really the aim here.

The line-up of musicians are impressive too, these are scene faves, c64 composers, and game musicians.

Posted: 04/06/2003 - 17:17
by tas
Chris: Did you announce your independence on the CD?

No!, but i guess i have now :) LOL!!!!

Posted: 04/06/2003 - 17:37
by Chris Abbott
> No!, but i guess i have now LOL!!!!

... and by which Neil means that Remix64 Volume 2 will be his
first release as an independent record label,
though will be carrying the CD as usual, but as a dealer.

All hail the independent Neil :)


Posted: 04/06/2003 - 17:49
by tas
1st?.... like there's gonna be another release?

hehe, do you know something i don't! :)

Posted: 04/06/2003 - 17:54
by Chris Abbott
> 1st?.... like there's gonna be another release?

Not necessarily a C64 release: I'm gambling you'll sign
a girl band or something :)


Posted: 04/06/2003 - 17:55
by tas
I can think of how i could use that to my advantage... do you think they want a promotion ;) LOL

Posted: 04/06/2003 - 18:05
by Chris Abbott
You'd be amazed how gullible 18 year old girls are when faced with
the prospect of global fame and fortune... I certainly was*

* When I saw it on "Popstars". What do you think I am?? :)

Posted: 04/06/2003 - 21:06
by Sonic Wanderer
Chris Abbott wrote:18 year old girls he said "girls".......he.....hehehe.......ehhhhhh................ 8)

What? Irritating? ME? Naaaaah! :twisted:

Posted: 05/06/2003 - 9:34
by DHS
tom wrote:Yeah ,i know such marketing problems as well ...
We always have to invest nearly
<b>25.000</b> up to <b>50.000</b>Euros for a Video-Clip
when we release a new CD-Single (666,NOEMI .. etc)
You should ask PPoT to make your videos :)


Posted: 05/06/2003 - 9:53
by Mayhem
Having finally been able to listen to the preview clips... well most of them are of a high technical quality... there seems to be lacking a few "punchy" tracks (such as Storm from Remix vol 1) which up the tempo and race along as opposed to being more laid back and slower. Slightly disappointed the Stormlord track isn't the title music, but instead the next best thing... the in-game music. And this is my most-look-forwarded-to track on the album as it's a great SID and the mix sounds very much how I would want to put it together! :D