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Posted: 17/09/2003 - 11:57
by Matrix
YO VINNY !! - Street Fighter 2 M8 - "No Chun-L" ruleset ;)

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 12:01
by Vinny
WHOOOOOOOOSH! That one went straight over my head.

What ya on bout buddy?

Posted: 17/09/2003 - 12:04
by Matrix
A good sound thrashing - courtesy of dear old poor downtrodden mum lol .... in sure the mame team will fill u in lol ...

A fantastic evening above all expectations !

Posted: 18/09/2003 - 19:11
by ppravier
:D I spent a really wonderful evening at Brighton that day.
This was just top-class, even better than expected.

I was at the BIT-Live 1, 2 and 3. The 1 and 2 were great, really good fun and a wonderful occasion to revive some cheeful memories of teen-age.

As agreed with Chris during BIT-4, the BIT 3 was not as good as expected though, certainly because the place was not adapted to a concert (I have discussed this with Chris during Bit-4 in fact).
Whereas it was fine to have hours of pure delirious fun dancing like mad geeks, the Gossips Club was not very well for BIT-Live3.
I still had a good time though, but I felt last year that it would have been better if it was at a different venue. And I was sorry for Chris as well because I thought he was feeling the same and he didn't deserve it because of all the efforts he and his friends always put in this.

So when BIT4 was announced I was a bit anxious, I didn't want it to be the relative disapointment of BIT3.
And fortunately it was far from being the case, very very far. That evening just completely blew all the previous ones, it was like a dream come true. After the first minute the musicians played I understood it was going a fantastic party.

The three group of performers had each a different style, yet they were all equally good, I mean outstanding.

- Stuck in the 80ies : I especially liked the idea of having an electronic violin, and other instruments like the flute and electric saxophone. As for the performers of the band, they were more than excellent. And Benn Daglish is a terrific entertainer as well as a great and skilled performer.

- Rob Hubbard : It's incredible like this master can remain modest. Very approachable person despite his icon status. And he plays very very well of course.
It was also very courageous to play alone with just a piano as this is unusual. It worked very well, with an original choice of tunes. It doesn't matter they weren't all the most famous (although 2 thirds of them I think were well known anyway). The introspective piece was very interesting
to listen to, and its blending into one of its c64 standard so well executed.

- Press Play on Tape : These guys know how to put fun on the stage. They seem to live the music when they play it. They were as good as the others. I liked the idea of seeing the c64 games corresponding to the musics in the background, it added to the atmosphere.
And the drummer was very funny during wizball's high score, too bad my camera was running out of battery at this precise time.

And there is of course the final gathering for the final pieces !
The zenith of the evening, even better than the beginning, which is not a little thing to achieve.

I wish there is another evening like that in the future, I'll be there for sure.


Posted: 23/10/2003 - 23:56
by tony.rc
To all those complainers! were you at the same BIT Brighton as I was?

Because I had a great time before and after the concert. I got the opportunity to put names to faces and hang-out with really friendly C64 sceners.

And ofcourse the concert rocked, it was a real treat seeing Ben, Rob and and PPOT.

The problem I have is that many of people I met are expecting me to trek to UK from Australia for the next BIT.

Great Job Chris and the BIT team!

Posted: 24/10/2003 - 8:58
by Subzero
I arrived in brighton on the thursday before - got dragged around the place by rocky (fellow tombstoner and mame compo runner), I was already knackered when I got there (first ever flight PLUS I was full of the cold), still we went around all the arcades we could find (best one being on brighton pier - but £2 for a driving game?? get real).

Thursday night was pizza, playstation 2 and mame night for us. Went to sleep after 2am.

Friday - I was in NO MOOD to do anything as I was seriously choked up with the cold, only left rockys place to buy some milk n stuff. By the time the rest of the guys arrived I was drugged up to the eyeballs and half dead!!! Still I did manage to eat MORE pizza :) and play some more MAME!!! Ended up getting practically no sleep as I was chucked onto the floor so a female could get the bed (dont see why I couldnt share it ;))

Saturday - Woke up REALLY early and was ready to go, nobody else stirred until after 9 o'clock and we were supposed to be at the brighton centre at 9 o'clock to get setup in time!!! In the end we got there about quarter to eleven!! Finally realised that the queue at the front was for old folks ice skating (didnt tell the obvious C64 nut - who was in the queue with the grannies LOL) and made our way around to the back. Got upstairs, met chris (for a brief moment who was already looking in a state of panic - but I think there were a few good reasons), and started to get setup - realising we were short a few wires, a rather large balding man appeared (skitz - sorry for all the requests on sunday nights!!!) who procured the wires for us and off we went with our compo (which went very well until a certain GIT called matrix beat me at Street Fighter II - how dare you sir!!). So after a good day - we finally met martin galway and got his attention, as he wanted to hear the music from the SEGA game superlocomotive (which apparently was his inspiration to get into the scene), just as we loaded it and starting playing it for him - we were told to GET OUT!! as it was after 6. Back to rockys house with the gear then time to grab a bite to eat before heading back for the concert.

Concert. We took too long eating and by the time we got back - we had no choice but to sit on the floor (my back was already sore!!)So sit on the floor we did - until after rob had been on that was - after rob finished his set, a whole tableload of peeps got up and either left or moved!! So we nicked the table!!! Im not going to say what I thought of the whole concert because my fingers are now sore - but in short it was one of the best concerts I've ever seen (and i've seen quite a few). After it was finished and after we met rob and ppot, we started our long walk up a major bugger of a hill back to rockys house for more gaming and drinking (apart from me coz i dont drink :)).

I left brighton on monday with one thing on my mind - 'who was that annoying guy in the hat who kept holding his arm up???'

PHEW!! I better go back to bed now - im knackered!!!

Posted: 24/10/2003 - 10:45
by Matrix
a certain GIT called matrix beat me at Street Fighter II - how dare you sir!
- Never mind chum, theres always next years BIT Live :) - hope yall good enough to bring the Mame kit down again.. Practicing like mad with all the best games - i just found New Zealand Story on there - WICKED - !!

There is however a strange, ominous and yet overwhelming presence of japanese hentai games in the mix too - good job i cant read Japanese then isn't it *Cough ...guess..* lol ....

Sorry to hear about your nostril bug but at least you were great on the day :)

PS: on mame ... how DO you get the game full screen with no window edge ? buggered if I can find it - also it got locked in fullscreen mode, F11 wont swap it back so i gotta quit it with task manager lol - any way round that u know of ? KI-TAH !! YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA !!!!

Posted: 24/10/2003 - 20:01
by Subzero
If you want the game in full screen, you just adjust your monitor settings - position wise, its all you can do.

Posted: 25/10/2003 - 0:49
by Matrix
I see - just thought id check because I didnt see anything about it in the manual. Hey guys - Im off to treat myself this xmas - to a 2 player X-Arcade Controller - HELL YES - i looked at the official site - damn but these things work on xbox, dreamcast and ps1 too - WICKED !! plus lifetime guarentee - what more can anyone ask :)

Well worth the price imho :)

Posted: 26/10/2003 - 11:35
by Jan Lund Thomsen
subzero wrote:I left brighton on monday with one thing on my mind - 'who was that annoying guy in the hat who kept holding his arm up???'
Were you annoyed when people started dancing as well? It's was a concert for *bleeps!* sake - maybe you're the type of person who can totally submerge yourself into music without showing any signs of appreciation, but you can't expect everyone to be like that.

I thought it was excellent to see people getting so much into it. More power to the unknown stranger with his fist in the air(tm).

Posted: 26/10/2003 - 15:47
by Matrix
Jan, I think ppl were more *WTF* and laughing at him than anything else - i know our table was LOL, Me n Dan were pissing ourselves lol - I also think that although youre right, is WAS a good thing to see ppl so deep in, but the guys arm was an ardant distraction - I really REALLY hope it didnt make it on the DVD. Its akin to some pleb walking to and fro infront of a 20 foot cinema screen with a great film on... small and insignificant, but like an itch you cant scratch and you just want him to sit the hell down !!

I got quite a good shot too - check out my pics page :)

Posted: 26/10/2003 - 18:47
by dan gillgrass
Matrix wrote:Me n Dan were pissing ourselves lol
Were we???? I cant remember him whatsoever apart from people talking about him and the photos.....tho I had had a skinful by then at the walkabout.

Posted: 26/10/2003 - 19:03
by Matrix
You could always install "MS Human XP" to fix the memory leak lol .... I confess you were blathered, I wasnt because I was doing a LOT of driving, and I dont drink n drive. still - was funny as hell on the night lol...

Posted: 26/10/2003 - 20:09
by Subzero
It was a concert??? Damn nobody told me that!!!

I enjoyed laughing at the people making a fool of themselves on the dancefloor, but this hat wearing twerp didnt even move for gawd sake!!!!

Posted: 26/10/2003 - 23:34
by Jan Lund Thomsen
subzero wrote:It was a concert??? Damn nobody told me that!!!
Maybe they should have.

There's a slight chance it would have dislodged that broomhandle that seems to be stuck up your rectal tract.
subzero wrote:I enjoyed laughing at the people making a fool of themselves on the dancefloor,
Just as I'm sure those people now enjoy laughing at you for making a fool out of yourself here.
subzero wrote:but this hat wearing twerp didnt even move for gawd sake!!!!
If the guy stayed in one place (sitting down, even) it made it all the easier for you to go park yourself elsewhere. Problem solved.

Personally I can't help but pity anyone who could let something as insignificant as that spoil a great event. But that's just me.