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Posted: 22/07/2004 - 22:50
by Jim Power
To be honest, we'll try to keep it pretty close to the original song - in fact, I would have loved to release the (unpublished) Nation 12 version the Amiga mod was edited from, but that would have been very difficult because of the copyright stuff... another reason was the weak sound quality of the original master; after all, this song was produced more than 10 years ago and that's how it sounds! BTW: Nation 12 have only released the singles "Remember" and "Electrofear" - I got them both via Ebay and they are pretty awful. I got the feeling that Nation 12 was just an excuse for some established musicians (like "Bomb the Bass" mastermind Tim Simenon or Ex-Ultravox member John Foxx) to release some of their weirder stuff.

Posted: 27/07/2004 - 16:46
by Thornado
Sounds interesting! :)

I cannot wait to hear the result.:D

Immortal 3

Posted: 06/09/2004 - 2:55
by Lem
Sounds like this could be the best Immortal yet Jan! Any chance of a preview? :wink:

Mmm, Agony, Gods, Ghouls'n'Ghosts, bring it on! :D

Posted: 08/09/2004 - 1:19
by Jim Power
Hey Lem - nice to see you on this board! :D

OK, time for some infos again... bad news first: unfortunately, the release date had to be put back for a couple of months - the album will (hopefully) hit the shelves in spring 2005. And now for the good news: as I hinted at in a recent newspaper article, "Immortal 3" will indeed be a double CD set this time, which means 2 hours + of arranged Amiga game music! Fans of the first volume will also be delighted to hear that series creator Ruben Monteiro will make a guest appearance as an arranger. I'll be off to Frankfurt next weekend to work on the "Gods" track... for some strange reason, none of the other arrangers wanted to burn his fingers on that one... :wink:

Woohoo !

Posted: 19/09/2004 - 21:40
by Schlicky
Boy, am I looking forward to this one ! :D

Posted: 19/09/2004 - 23:19
by madfiddler
Maybe I should start work on a new recording of my Captive 2: Liberation soundtrack. I fancy doing that with the new orchestral library..

Posted: 04/10/2004 - 16:43
by Jim Power
OK, not really "Immortal 3" news, but I thought those of you who don't own the previous volumes already might be interested in this: a German printmag called "Retro Magazin" is giving away free copies of these CDs - all you have to do is to head over to their homepage and answer a very simple question: what is the name of the main villain in legendary Psygnosis game "Shadow of the Beast 2"? :twisted:

Posted: 03/12/2004 - 14:49
by Thornado
Hi Jan, can you tell us a bit more about how the immortal 3 project is evolving atm? Still waiting with lots of antcipation.:D

Posted: 03/12/2004 - 15:45
by Lem
I second that request :) .. after listening to that amazing remake of The Human Race (Rob Hubbard) by DHS (many times in a row :)) .. my appetite for awesome melodic C64/Amiga music has increased dramatically.

How's it going there Jan? ;)

Posted: 03/12/2004 - 20:04
by Jim Power
Glad to see you guys are still interested in what we're doing, although it has been a bit silent for a while. However, work on the album progresses and I think it's the right time now to reveal some more details... as I already said, one of the tracks on "Immortal 3" will be "Agony", but there will be more stuff from Psygnosis games: Tim Bartlett has already completed his "Ork" remix and Tim Wright will contribute a second track (possibly from "Aquaventura") - another one will be arranged by Ruben Monteiro for the CD. Speaking of Tim Wright: the man is currently working on his first solo album - certainly not to be missed. Make sure to check out his homepage at for details :!:

Posted: 05/12/2004 - 22:41
by Thornado
Thanks for the update, I hope you can tell us more soon! :)

Posted: 24/12/2004 - 13:03
by Jim Power
The Nugel Brothers have finished their remix of "Ghouls'n Ghosts" just in time before Christmas - check out the preview mp3 clip at their homepage below. I think these guys did a fantastic job once again and captured the spirit of Tim Follin's original composition perfectly. I hope you will all enjoy our little "audio present"... have a Merry Christmas everyone! :D

Posted: 24/12/2004 - 14:29
by Infamous
mmmm sounds good... really good.. ive not had the pleasure of listening to the 1st 2 immortal cd's, but eventually i will get off my arse and buy them.. love amiga music.

and mark.. i would LOVE to hear a reworking of the captive stuff.. great soundtrack especially the song that never got into the final release ^^ .

I was tempted a few times to rework the rest of the captive soundtrack again and post it all up on amigaremix pretty much had the same thought with alot of amiga soundtracks (blaster, fury of the furries, bodyblows, benefactor etc).. all great soundtracks to sit and listen too.. but never enough time.

maybe one day.

bit i digress.. i am really looking forward to hearing more from I3.. sounding really exciting so far.

Posted: 24/12/2004 - 17:20
by tas
Sounding great jan

but then i always expected it would.

Sounds like im3 will be the best yet!

Posted: 15/02/2005 - 19:48
by mahen
Jan : I can't wait for immortal 3 :)

BTW, what is this Atari ST tribute CD you are refering to ??

cheers :)