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Posted: 12/09/2004 - 23:45
by hyperhack
Dont get £50 notes either! there are lots around with the ink still wet!!!!

pmsl! :lol:

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 0:04
by Bog
yeah but dont u have to be the manager of the place or be female and shagging the manager to get the £50 a day bog?

Just flip burgers for eight hours.

Now, for myself, I get myself £600 a month, after tax. I work no less than 12 hours a day for that money. Often, it's 20 hours. Frankly, I work like a junkyard mutt.

I have fifty notes - right here. Flippa flippa. That's the sound of the money.

I've got Markie here who makes less than I do volunteering that.

That's £100 right there.

Someone stick up their hand. Someone who takes home less than £600 a month stick up your hand and pledge £25 - I'll see your £25 and between us we'll make another full £50.

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 1:05
by Matrix
I suggested the £50 amount, mines ready ... and i make . err... well .. nothing unless works coming in as im self employed.... and i havent had a decent amount of work in for a couple of months...


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 8:01
by Infamous
i aint got pay pal or credit cards or shit like that and i unfortunatly couldnt make it too this event due to circumstances that i wish i could hit about the head with a big stick.. but id get put in jail for gbh and so forth.. so we wont go there "yet"... if i get the sudden urge to build a patio and someone SUDDENLY dissapears.... your ALL my alibi ok ;-).

But there are plenty of other way's to donate.. and I would simply because I dont want to be one of those that missed out if it really is the last, dont want it to BE the last.. i draw the line at burger king, id rather slop out shit for bob the farmer tbh (pretty much the same job. different description mind u).. but you tell me where to send it.. ill send it, regulary.

even a quid.... id glady contribute if shown a way to do so.. maybe postal orders direct to chris? I really would love to see b/l 2005.

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 8:17
by Chris Abbott
> I really would love to see b/l 2005.
If there is another BIT Live that's more scene driven, it might have to be 2006. Then everyone can be REALLY prepared, animation, rehearsal, etc.
Everyone will probably have married and had kids by then!


Posted: 13/09/2004 - 8:50
by RetroMarkie
I'll take that as a YES then Chris, we are having another BIT. Good! ok, now... lets sort the money out. My suggestions is the membership idea. £5 per month. We need somebody Chris's end to hold the account and look after the fund. Over to you on this one Chris.

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 8:56
by merman
I'm liking the idea of a "Remix club".

- pay money to Jan KWED for the latest releases
- preview CDs from C64Audio, plus unreleased stuff
- priority on tickets for retro/music events?

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 10:33
by Matrix
YEah - i mean SHIT - its working for Napster and iTunes, and we ALL know how picky RKO is ;) *Cough* lol so you know ur downloading high quality remixes.

What about a monthly raffle ..... £2 entry for a number, then a number out of the hat gets the cd of their choice ? 200 ppl having a go thats £400 revenue a month minus a tenner for a cd ?

Comeon folks i cant pull good shit outta my arse like this all day ya know - BRAINSTORM PPL !!

Ming - GREAT ! - Lets get to work, if you need any designs, my photoshop arm is yours :)

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 10:44
by RetroMarkie
This is a goer, we can do this! I think that it is important to support both BIT and Retro Games World, not just because I run it. Also, I dont need financial backing for my site but if we can send folk via RGW that would be great. I want to benifit ALL reto releated sites.

As far as BIT is concerned we need some firm idea agreements from Chris. I feel a phone call coming on.

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 10:46
by Matrix
As Starskey said in the recent film: "Do it Do it Do it"....

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 11:10
by RetroMarkie
Matrix, can you do me a logo... the opne you use at the bottom of your posts without dates on? I can secure that then as a perminant fixture on the RGW and RV sites. This will remind folk and when we have dates we can adjust as required. is the e.

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 11:17
by Matrix
Sure no probs.....

Heres an additional idea, weebl was there right ..... hows about a custom "sidchip sidchip sidchip sidchip sidchip sidchip sidchip sidchip GAMEPLAY GAMEPLAY" - a custom version on a class would be SO MASS Downloaded it could really boost the user base.

Waddaya say Weebl - up for it - help us keep the scene alive ? - course id want a small credit ;) *Cough* for the idea *Cough*

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 11:28
by RetroMarkie
Cool... and for Chris, if you can design a button that can be carried on websites directly linking to a money support thread that would be fab. If may be pennies, it may be pounds but if I carry it on the RGW site it will at the very least produce somthing.

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 11:42
by Chris Abbott
* see soon to be coming official thread about this *

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 11:47
by Benn
Chris Abbott wrote:If there is another BIT Live that's more scene driven, it might have to be 2006.
Naaah - that's defeatist. We can organise this in a year - *especially* if PPOT are over in July - gives us chance to do some face-to-face meetings to finalise stuff. Believe me - we can do this. I'll donate energy - I've got enough lying around for Chrissakes.