Overclocked remix

The place for musicians to share their knowledge and ideas about music and remixing, and to post WIP snippets and feedback. Also suggest tunes for remixing, here.
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Overclocked remix

Post by Doddsy »

Whoa they are a picky lot those judges down at Overclocked Remix. I've had every submission rejected and not just a no thanks either - it's more along the lines of your work being dissected by a top professional studio musician talking about counterpoint, dynamics and production techniques. Harsh enough to bring grown adults to tears though production techniques aside (I know I should employ a professional mastering engineer but I only remix tunes for a hobby and I don't get paid for my time & effort) I can't take their opinions seriously. So on that note (no pun intended) I guess I won't be submitting anything else to them until I get really on top of my remixing game. Maybe one day...
Glad RKO & Amiga remix aren't so stringent.
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Re: Overclocked remix

Post by Mordi »

Huh, your stuff gets rejected? Most of the tunes I've heard from there lately is way less interesting than what you make.

I've had some bad luck there in the past as well. My galway-is-god remix got rejected simply because the file size was too big... That was in 2009, so they have since revised their rules. But even at the time that was ridiculous! I got one submission accepted later, but IIRC it appeared a year or two after I sent it in, which is crazy. I guess that means every tune they release is already old by the time they get around to posting it? :|
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Re: Overclocked remix

Post by Doddsy »

Surprised to see that one of the best re-mixers (if not the best) has also had difficulty in having tunes accepted puts things into perspective about the site and for anyone wishing to submit something.
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Re: Overclocked remix

Post by Chris Abbott »

Definitely a site that's disappeared up its own arse.
Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Re: Overclocked remix

Post by LMan »

OC has a long tradition of being elitist and snotty in the worst manner.
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Re: Overclocked remix

Post by analoq »

I was once a judge on ocremix and also had a remix rejected by them (some 13 years ago..). So I feel your pain but also have been able to look at it from the other side. Couple points:
  • Don't let it get you down. Think of it like a record label: you submit your music and if they don't want to publish it, it doesn't necessarily mean your music is poor - just not what they're looking for. They receive a ton of submissions; they can pick and choose and still have plenty of content to post.
  • Assuming these are yours, you received careful and detailed comments from the judges:
    http://ocremix.org/community/topic/3991 ... quiem-mix/
    http://ocremix.org/community/topic/1020 ... eldra-mix/
    You may not agree with their analysis, but it's more valuable than the feedback one usually gets on forums. You even got some encouragement from them!
These days there are plenty of ways to get your music out there. Sites like ocremix aren't necessary anymore to find an audience for videogame remixes. But if you want to reach ocremix's audience, you'll have to give them what they're looking for. And based on the judges comments, it appears that's within your reach. Be encouraged by that.

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Re: Overclocked remix

Post by Doddsy »

Like you say it's their site and they can choose what they want which I have no problem with, just disappointed they have to be so choosy about distributing free fan made music.
On the plus side I think they do a great job giving feedback and making you push the envelope as it were because there are loads of people making music now and an improvement in standards is to be expected - recording music is not the black art it once was there are plenty of tips and tutorials and everyone has access to make good music on the cheap these days.
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