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6 channel SIDS (2 x C64s)

Posted: 06/01/2003 - 19:43
by Feekzoid
As part of my Dolby/DTS experiments it would be handy to have a recording with many channels in it and I thought a cool idea would be a 2xC64 sid tune.

I remember a couple of demos that had SID tunes spread over two C64s that you had to start simultaneously, does anyone know if these made it into HVCSC?

My intention would be to re-master them to Dolby EX 1 sid channel per speaker.

Posted: 07/01/2003 - 15:06
by Sonic Wanderer
I saw something like that in HVSC some days ago.
The filenames ended with "part 1" and "part 2" i think.
Or "chan 1-3" and "chan 4-6". Something like that.
Search you directories for this.
It *is* in there somewhere. =)

Posted: 07/01/2003 - 15:58
by Feekzoid
Well spotted.

Its a JCH tune.

I will start recording it immediately ;)

Posted: 07/01/2003 - 17:38
by Sonic Wanderer
Looking forward to it. =)

Posted: 07/01/2003 - 22:03
by Feekzoid
Decided not to go ahead with it since the tune was a little short and er.. basic :P

I *did* however take the fine amiga mod Desert Dream and make a four channel Dolby+DTS mix out of it with some FX processing on it.. sounds awesome. Unfortunately huge-mungous file.

Posted: 07/01/2003 - 22:30
by Sonic Wanderer
Now, *THAT'S* some quality MOD-music. :lol: