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Wizard Warz (orchestral) WIP

Posted: 18/03/2010 - 23:28
by manganoid
HI, me again with
another of my favourite tunes. This time it's the Wizard Warz by Ben
Daglish (my fav C64 composer) and, at first I had decided to make a
medieval/renaissance score, but since i didn't have propper instruments,
I tried to use the symphonic orchestra, and TA-DAAAA, another
orchestral thingie was born. This time I tend to make the mastering a
bit better than my previous WsIP and also to pay a lot more attention to
expression of each instrument.Here you have a framework (or skeleton if
you will) of the main idea which is to use the trumpet as the main
"bard's tale" and I hope I have succeeded to make it sound a bit real.
Next are the brass instruments with more detail in the lower
registers/frequencies. And the last, but not least, are the strings and
percussion. As always, your objective opinion and suggestion is highly
needed and appreciated. Hope U have phun with this tune and i hope I'll
finish it soon.
Greetz by manganoid

The link: