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Synthesia - Piano fro eveyone :)

Posted: 28/02/2010 - 0:22
by Analog-X64
I did a search before posting this and I couldnt find any references to it.

I was trying to learn how to play a song on my MIDI Controller and saw a clip on YouTube where notes were falling down onto a synth kind of like a Guitar Hero type of thing.

Anyway, I asked what software was used and they told me its called Synthesia its tottaly Free and it comes with some game songs and others you can learn to play.

What is neat about the program is it will use .MID midi files, so I can find midi versions of a song I want to learn and use this program to learn how to play it.

I learn better by example and visual compared to reading. So if you are like me this should do the trick for you.

Re: Synthesia - Piano fro eveyone :)

Posted: 28/02/2010 - 1:47
by Amok
Dear Analog-X64,

when you are getting deeper into these remixing thingies you wont need any midi files or summat... hear it and play it... ;)

Just a matter of practice... ;)

Re: Synthesia - Piano fro eveyone :)

Posted: 28/02/2010 - 21:19
by k_rostoen
No, you don't really need any instrument skills just to make a remix, but it'd be neat to actually be able to play an instrument, for instance a piano. Personally I can't play any instrument (except for very very basic stuff) and that bugs me (but not enough to actually sit down and take the time to learn it).

Re: Synthesia - Piano fro eveyone :)

Posted: 01/03/2010 - 0:40
by Infamous
I can play a multitude of instruments but to be honest with you none of that really makes much of a difference when Im writing a tune, Its useful if im sat down and Im messing about with something and I come up with a nice riff or something along them lines but with remixes and with most modern software you only really need to know the scales and where to place your little squares, c-4/e-4's etc. Always nice to learn though just incase someone decides to ask you to do something live.

Re: Synthesia - Piano fro eveyone :)

Posted: 01/03/2010 - 4:54
by StormKeeper
I actually have Synthesia, and paid to get it unlocked and I do think it's a good piece of software, only while I keep on meaning to use it to help me learn to play the piano/keyboard I keep on forgetting!

Re: Synthesia - Piano fro eveyone :)

Posted: 01/03/2010 - 12:54
by Analog-X64
I'm actually not bad going from Ear to Midi if the lead sound is being played using single notes, I just have to hear the original over and over again.

If chords are being used, than I'm totally lost, which is why I need something visual so I can see which keys
are being played at the same time.

Also I'm ambidextrous, so I like learning to play something that requires both hands.(insert joke here).