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Posted: 30/08/2003 - 7:22
by Subzero
No , im not looking for a ticket (I already got mine!), I was just wondering how the sales were going.

Posted: 30/08/2003 - 8:26
by Chris Abbott
OK. Could do with another 100 bodies. Got to do a last minute flyer for someone down there...


Posted: 30/08/2003 - 19:31
by dan gillgrass
Chris Abbott wrote:OK. Could do with another 100 bodies. Got to do a last minute flyer for someone down there...

How were BIT3 tickets? were they the same amount and then more people just turned up? u need to stick some posters or something around the town so people just turn up to the event.

Posted: 30/08/2003 - 21:39
by Chris Abbott
> u need to stick some posters or somet
It's good in theory, but posters are really expensive _and_ it's illegal to put them up in most places. Getting some flyers done though (b/w, cheap).


Posted: 30/08/2003 - 21:54
by Chris Abbott
> How were BIT3 tickets? were they the same amount and then
> more people just turned up?

It's kind of odd: the BIT 3 tickets weren't sold in advance, and I've really
no idea how many people turned up. I think this time the bother of getting accommodation and the time of year (and the fact that everybody seems to be poorer this year than last) have all been factors. I had hoped that Rob Hubbard playing live would prove enough to overcome these factors: I may have been wrong. We've still got 200 bodies turning up at the moment. That's enough to make it feel like an event, at least, and if Gossip's capacity is as low as I think it is, it may have been only just more than this at BIT Live 3. I'll never know!


Posted: 31/08/2003 - 7:57
by Subzero
I applaud you for taking such a big risk with this - I hope there will be plenty items to purchase - I dont want to go home to scotland empty handed :)

Posted: 01/09/2003 - 21:22
by fgasking
I'll try and drum up some people to go along Chris... I'm convincing a fellow C64 friend to come down from Milton Keynes, and i'm sure Jason Kelk is trying to make it.

I'll mail a few people and see what they are doing...

Btw... Is Rob Hubbard and Ben Daglish gonna be at the day event, or just the concert?...

Posted: 01/09/2003 - 21:56
by Chris Abbott
> Is Rob Hubbard and Ben Daglish gonna be at the day event,
> or just the concert?...
Well, they'll be spending some time behind the partitions downstairs
for the dress rehearsal, but the idea is for them to pop out occasionally
and frequent the remix workshop, so people can jam along, talk to them,


Posted: 02/09/2003 - 1:40
by Larsec
I've tried to do my part as well... A new friend of mine is seriously thinking about coming, and he will try to convince Laxity to come as well... and Laxity might be able to get DRAX to go along... Wouldn't that be neat? :)

Posted: 02/09/2003 - 8:47
by fgasking
Right... done some mailing, and Shaun Pearson looks almost a certainty....

Also Dan Phillips said he and Rob Levy might come down, if he gets his new job :)

Posted: 02/09/2003 - 13:20
by Chris Abbott
> Wouldn't that be neat?
Indeed, but I'd need plenty of notice if they wanted to use my special buses!


Posted: 02/09/2003 - 22:52
by Jan Lund Thomsen
fgasking wrote:and i'm sure Jason Kelk is trying to make it.
He'd better. I've spend hours on IRC yakking with him back in the day. =)

Also, he's got a mate living a few minutes from the venue so he should be all set, accomodation-wise. (You reading, this Jason?)