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I want to slow my Commodore down

Posted: 10/09/2009 - 3:03
by Commie_User
Some games run too fast for me. Any general-purpose Pokes to slow the machine by 25, 50 or 75%?

I would have thought it was theoretically possible to poke in values to cause timing delays.

Re: I want to slow my Commodore down

Posted: 10/09/2009 - 6:22
by analoq
That's an interesting one. Most timing in games are based on interrupts of the video controller, which runs at the flicker rate of PAL or NTSC, whatever the case may be. So you probably couldn't change the interrupt rate without also ruining the video output.

In essence, I have no idea - but here's hoping someone else has more info.

Re: I want to slow my Commodore down

Posted: 10/09/2009 - 8:39
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
There's no poke that will fix "all" games. But, a hardware hack would work: Replace the oscillator on the motherboard. Unfortunately, that would most certainly make the TV output garbage, as the TV output also would be 25Hz instead of 50.

So, the best idea would be downloading the sourcecode for an emulator and change update rate there. Not a beginner's task, though.

Good luck!

Re: I want to slow my Commodore down

Posted: 10/09/2009 - 9:30
by merman
Seem to remember seeing a "slowmo" gadget in an old magazine, don't know how it worked though...

Re: I want to slow my Commodore down

Posted: 10/09/2009 - 10:10
by Commie_User
Win-Vice can slow the games down nicely, so I'm not without options. It's just that I wanted a little something to slow a real machine down, as can be the case with the Amiga Action Replay.

Thanks to all who replied.