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For Mahoney (and those who land on Stansted)

Posted: 08/08/2003 - 8:04
by Makke
Which flight are you taking to Stansted? The (Friday) 9:40-10:30 from Malmö? That's the one I'm on. Let me know, because I don't want to be alone on Stansted for almost 8 hours (as the coaches seem to leave at 6).

Anyone else coming in early to Stansted on the Friday? Let me know the time and where you're flying from, so perhaps we can have an early meet up or something. :)

There's not much fun to be had on airports though...and it's always expensive as hell there.

Posted: 08/08/2003 - 8:28
by Dr.Future
Will be landing at 3 p.m. in Stansted. Would be nice to spend some time with you...

Posted: 08/08/2003 - 11:17
by Markus Schneider
I'll fly in late at 8pm ... so a pity we can't spend the day together drinking beer, mate ! :roll:

Posted: 08/08/2003 - 13:45
by Chris Abbott

The idea was to specify a designated bar/café at Stansted so that people
could start BIT Live at the airport :)

It seems like there will be three buses from Stansted:

1) About 1pm (for the people coming in the morning, like Peter Sandén, Mahoney, etc)

2) About 6pm (for people like Dr.Future)

3) About 11.30pm (for PPOT and anyone who arrives late, such
as Markus)

I think I can be definite about this now, though I don't know what
sizes the buses will be! I will be emailing all ticket holders
nearer time time to ask for flight information, and then looking
at buses capacity and organisation.


Posted: 08/08/2003 - 20:27
by Makke
Chris Abbott wrote:It seems like there will be three buses from Stansted:
Oh, I thought there was only going to be the one at 6. :)
Chris Abbott wrote:1) About 1pm (for the people coming in the morning, like Peter Sandén, Mahoney, etc)
I guess I'm on that one then.

Sorry, doc. Guess we'll have to meet up in Brighton then. :?

Re: For Mahoney (and those who land on Stansted)

Posted: 09/08/2003 - 22:22
by Yodelking
Makke wrote:Which flight are you taking to Stansted? The (Friday) 9:40-10:30 from Malmö?
Mahoney, Melina, Caroline and I will be on the same flight as you.

Posted: 10/08/2003 - 9:23
by dan gillgrass
That bus will get into Brighton a couple of hours after we get there so if any of you are going for a flaggan of ale in the afternoon (before the foot,) get in touch

Posted: 10/08/2003 - 18:36
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
Hi Makke!

As Yodelking said, we'll be on the same plane, and probably Ziphoid will be waiting for us at the airport, since he arrives to London on Thursday visiting some friends.

Makke, Yodelking, Caroline, Pex, Melina and Ziphoid - all being at Stansted - Fri, 12Sep03 Flight FR257 arrive STN at 10:30. Whatever buses Chris manages to come up with, we'll have a good time waiting for them!

I'll be wearing a red rose in my sleeve so you'll find me... errrm probably not, but Melina and me are kind of looking like the couple in the picture to the left! :D

Posted: 12/08/2003 - 6:35
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson

Makke, Yodelking, Caroline, Pex, Melina, Ziphoid and O2 - all being at Stansted - Fri, 12Sep03 Flight FR257 arrive STN at 10:30. Whatever buses Chris manages to come up with, we'll have a good time waiting for them!


Posted: 12/08/2003 - 10:20
by Chris Abbott
... and you may have Max Levin and guests on that flight too...

Posted: 11/09/2003 - 19:44
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson wrote: Makke, Yodelking, Caroline, Pex, Melina, Ziphoid and O2 - all being at Stansted - Fri, 12Sep03 Flight FR257 arrive STN at 10:30. Whatever buses Chris manages to come up with, we'll have a good time waiting for them!

Feel free to head over to arrivals and wait for Flight 3562 from Copenhagen to land roughly an hour later - at 11:25. That's the one I'm on.

Saves me from having to run around looking for you guys. :D

Posted: 11/09/2003 - 21:13
by Larsec
Flight FR713 at 11:05 from Aarhus... That's me :)

Posted: 11/09/2003 - 21:56
by Chris Abbott
> Flight FR713 at 11:05 from Aarhus... That's me
At Stansted? You're getting the bus too?? There's room, luckily, if you are! But I never knew...


Posted: 11/09/2003 - 21:59
by Larsec
No, sorry Chris if I ddin't tell you... I am riding with Dan, Neil, Glyn and Jeff... But thanx for the heads up :)