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Space Assault, Exolon, Rick Dangerous

Posted: 13/03/2003 - 18:49
by mythoslogos
Hi, ok these 3 remixes are rather old, I think about June 2000... I recommend playing them on Apple Quick Time Player, WinAmp causes a lot of distortion (I don't know why...).

Posted: 13/03/2003 - 19:01
by Max Levin
whatever could happen if you play them on mediaplayer or Ejay Mp3player? BOOOOOM

Posted: 14/03/2003 - 0:23
by M.A.F
Old mixes must be problematic! :D

Posted: 14/03/2003 - 15:29
by Vosla
hmm... old but not soooo bad...

Posted: 16/03/2003 - 16:42
by M.A.F
Vosla wrote:hmm... old but not soooo bad...
What the hell does that mean???